X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (2024)

At Eagle Product Inspection, our advanced x-ray inspection machines for the food industry provide superior contaminant detection. Our machines utilize PXT™, the most advanced x-ray technology in the food inspection industry, to detect contaminants and foreign bodies at multiple insertion points in your food production line. Discover how Eagle x-ray systems can help you to streamline your production process, prevent product recalls and improve your food quality assurance programs.

Showing 1-9 of 21 Results

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (1)


A hygienically constructed multi-application system that provides superior contaminant detection for high volume bulk meat applications.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (2)


With its superior inspection capabilities and automated product reject management system, MAXIMIZER RMI provides a smoother process thatsaves time and resources while maximizing product output for poultry processors.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (3)

Bulk 415 PRO

Maximizes contaminant removal while cutting product waste and reducing downtime to boost line efficiency for dry bulk product applications such as nuts, grains, granola, sugar, cereals, coffee and other high-volume bulk products.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (4)

Bulk 540 PRO

Designed to address the unique handling and inspection requirements posed by bulk flowing food products such as fruits, vegetables, pet food, seafood, granola and other cereals.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (5)

Pack 240 HC

These compact high performance x-ray inspection machines are designed for easy cleaning in harsh washdown environments for fresh or frozen packaged meat, poultry, dairy and other food applications.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (6)

Pack 240 PRO

Designed for x-ray inspection of high-speed flow-wrap lines, blister packs and small packaged products as well as quality checks.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (7)

Pack 320 PRO

Designed for x-ray inspection of high-speed flow-wrap lines and small to mid-sized packaged products.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (8)

Pack 400 HC

Hygienically constructed and built to sanitary design for quality control. These x-ray inspection machines inspect small to mid-sized products and multilane applications for meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (9)

Pack 400 HC 3-A Dairy

Built to meet the requirements of harsh washdown environments, these x-ray inspection machines are ideal for raw product inspection of cheese blocks. Pack 400 HC meets 3-A Sanitary Standard 75-01 and is IP69 ingress protection compliant.

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Superior Product Quality

Experience 100% inspection of red meat with precise fat measurement, enhanced contaminant detection and reliable mass measurement.

Reliable & Repeatable Detection

Automate the ability to repeatedly detect the smallest of contaminants in a broad range of products.

Lower Cost of Ownership

Maximize uptime and simplicity of operation for improved throughput to minimize total cost of operation.

Hygienic Design

Our hygienically designed x-ray inspection machines reduces sanitation duties for increased uptime.

The power of analysisUsing X-ray inspection machines

Eagle PI offers a comprehensive line of industrial x-ray imaging systems that use advanced technology and innovative design to deliver incredible performance at a low total cost of ownership.

Our technologies

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (10)

WhatOur clients are saying

"We were very impressed with Eagle’s on-site service. The team adjusted the equipment to meet our needs perfectly."

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (11)

Mr. Arno Strotmann Project Manager

"The x-ray’s software program is very intuitive. It’s simple to set up and program. I learned a great deal from Eagle’s service department on how to run the machine and appreciate their know-how, availability 24/7 and professionalism."

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (12)

Tim Pheland Process Engineer

"Quality is key for us. Now, thanks to the Eagle Bulk 415 PRO we can totally say our products are contaminant free and we truly believe this will let us keep growing and exploring new markets."

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (13)

Mrs. Fuensanta Carrillo Sales and Marketing Manager, Higos El Pajarero

“When first presented with the idea of inspecting our products using x-ray inspection systems, we doubted that it could help us to improve and assure the quality of their products; now it is a fundamental part inside of our system of quality.”

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (14)

Ramiro Espinoza Kowi’s Plant Director

"Going forward, any new inspection systems or upgrades to current inspection technologies will be x-ray inspection systems, they are extremely reliable, easy to operate and easy to maintain."

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (15)

Merrily Blasi Quality Assurance Manager

"These machines do an excellent job of looking for and pinpointing any foreign matter, with instant and easy-to-use metal detection capabilities. And they can be taught and programmed to identify other unwanted substances by measuring product density. "

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (16)

Galen Sienicki Factory Director

"The Eagle x-ray machine has resulted in a dramatic reduction of bones in our boneless products—basically down to zero. By purchasing a dual-lane system, we’re able to double our output, or run different products at the same time."

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (17)

Bruno Giannone Vice-President and CEO

"We chose Eagle’s Pack 430 PRO because of the machine’s software capabilities - in particular, the multitask features which offered more options, compared to competitors’ machines, such as checkweighing."

X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (18)

Vincent Angiolillo VP Engineering and R&D Strategic Initiatives, Schuman Cheese, Inc.

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (19)

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X-ray Machines for Food Processing | Eagle Product Inspection (2024)


What is the use of X-ray machine in food industry? ›

X-ray inspection systems for the food industry can detect foreign objects, such as metal, glass, plastic, stones, or bones, as well as inspect packaging integrity and check for product irregularities, protecting consumers and keeping with the required compliance regulations and standards.

How safe is X-ray inspection of food? ›

The bottom line: X-ray inspection of packaged and bulk food product is proven to be extremely safe. There is no documented evidence of adverse health effects of X-rays on equipment operators, the food products that travel through the equipment and ultimately the consumer of those products.

What is X-ray inspection machine? ›

An X-ray inspection system allows you to detect contaminants within your products easily. X-ray technology can detect the following contaminants: Metal fragments: Like a metal detector, X-ray inspection systems search for pieces of metal within the product, including stainless steel, ferrous, and nonferrous metal.

Is X-ray screening safe for food? ›

Screening will never include placing anything into the medically necessary liquid. TSA X-ray machines do not adversely affect food or medicines.

Which rays are used in food processing? ›

The food is exposed to ionising radiation, either from gamma rays or a high-energy electron beam or powerful x-rays. Gamma rays and x-rays are a form of radiation that shares some characteristics with microwaves, but with much higher energy and penetration.

What does X-ray do to food? ›

X-Ray Effects on Food Quality

In day-to-day practice, x-rays do not reduce food quality with radiation; rather, they improve it. X-ray inspection systems keep your food safe by: Removing harmful contaminants: X-ray machines don't just locate large contaminants inside food products.

What are the FDA regulations for X-ray equipment? ›

The FDA's radiation safety performance standard for cabinet x-ray systems requires that external radiation emission from a cabinet x-ray system not exceed an exposure of 0.5 milliroentgens in one hour. Most cabinet x-ray systems emit less than this limit.

Can X-ray show food stuck in throat? ›

The strength of this case report is that it demonstrates that a plain film of the chest may be helpful in diagnosis of an esophageal food bolus impaction and allow for prompt definitive treatment. X-rays are typically used to assess for radiopaque foreign bodies or perforation.

Can you see aspirated food on X-ray? ›

However, most food, vegetable matter and plastic toys won't appear on chest X-ray films. Inspiratory and expiratory phase X-ray. These are X-rays taken when the child has inhaled and then exhaled the air out of their lungs.

What can X-ray machines detect? ›

X-ray radiography: Detects bone fractures, certain tumors and other abnormal masses, pneumonia, some types of injuries, calcifications, foreign objects, or dental problems. Mammography: A radiograph of the breast that is used for cancer detection and diagnosis.

How often should X-ray machines be inspected? ›

How Often Do We Inspect?
Type of X-Ray UnitInspection Interval
Dental4 years
Fluoroscopy2 years
General Purpose3 years
Industrial5 years
6 more rows

Can X-ray machine detect food? ›

Scanning of food products is necessary for health, safety, and research which we explore in more detail below. Detecting Foreign Materials: X-ray machines can find dense, dangerous materials in foods such as metal, plastic, glass, stones, and calcified bone. Last September, Tyson Foods recalled over 132,000 lbs.

What items Cannot be X rayed? ›

X-ray opaque objects and areas the X-ray is unable to penetrate will produce black areas in the image and such areas are referred to as “X-ray Opaque”. Thick metals, crystal, and some types of glass, e.g. camera lenses, which include special lead compounds added to the glass will also be opaque.

What is the safe distance from an X-ray machine? ›

Remain at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from an x-ray radiation source. Radiation is significantly reduced by distance. Do not be near x-ray equipment, if not required, move away. Never stand in the line with the direct x-ray beam.

What is the purpose of the X-ray machine? ›

X-ray radiography: Detects bone fractures, certain tumors and other abnormal masses, pneumonia, some types of injuries, calcifications, foreign objects, or dental problems. Mammography: A radiograph of the breast that is used for cancer detection and diagnosis.

What are X-rays used for in industry? ›

Industrial and research uses of X-rays include X-ray crystallography and fluoroscopy which are commonly used for the quality control of materials (i.e. metal quality) and investigating the properties of materials.

How is X-ray used in storing food material? ›

X-ray inspection

The use of X-ray technology is most familiar to people through its use in medical imaging. However, X-rays can also penetrate food products and allow the imaging of the internal features of the food to detect physical defects or contaminants without damaging the food product.

What is X-ray food sterilization? ›

Food irradiation (the application of ionizing radiation to food) is a technology that improves the safety and extends the shelf life of foods by reducing or eliminating microorganisms and insects. Like pasteurizing milk and canning fruits and vegetables, irradiation can make food safer for the consumer.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.