Right Hand Itching – What Does It Mean? - The (mostly) Simple Life (2024)

Maybe you’ve heard about the numerous superstitions related to right hand itching. Some say having an itchy right hand means that you’re about to lose some money, others say it signifies freedom, strength, and personal growth.

So what’s the deal anyway? Does right hand itching mean you have bad luck, good luck, or is it a complete myth?

If you want to know more about the spiritual meaning of having an itchy right hand, then you have come to the right place. This article will help you understand more about the superstitions related to having itchy palms.

Origins of the Right Hand Itching Superstition

The origins of the ithcy-palm superstitions can be traced back to the Saxons and Celts during the pre-Christian era. Saxons believed that rubbing one’s itchy skin on silver was a cure for most diseases, therefore they started rubbing itchy palms on silver.

Eventually, this belief turned into a superstition where if you experienced an itch, it meant money (silver coins) was coming in. This superstition was later adopted by the Romans, especially by fortunetellers, who interpreted it further turning it into the version that we know today.

Others believed that, in case your hands were itching, rubbing them on wood was a way of protecting yourself against bad luck and a guarantee that more money will be heading your way soon.

Possible Meaning of Right Palm Itching

From giving or receiving money to getting a new job or making new friends, right hand itching could mean a lot of things, according to various cultural and spiritual beliefs. If you don’t suffer from any medical condition that could cause a tingling sensation in your hands (psoriasis or eczema), these are some possible meanings of right-palm itching:

Different Versions of the Superstition: Money Could Be Coming In Or Going Out

A palm itching sensation can signify many things and is often interpreted by various cultures around the globe as an incoming cash flow or a bill that has to be paid. A common superstition says that if one palm itches, it means a new source of money is coming your way, and if the other hand gets itchy then you will have to pay out.

In many cultures, the right hand is considered active (because most people are right-handed), and the left-hand is considered passive. Therefore, left-hand itching means money is coming in, while right-hand itching means money needs to be paid out. But it could also be the other way around.

Right Hand vs Left Hand Itching for Men and Women

Right palm itching can have different meanings for males and females. If you are a male and you have an itchy right hand, it means you are going to attract money, whereas if you are a woman and you have an itchy right hand, it means you will lose some money.

On the contrary, when a woman’s left palm is itching, it is considered a positive sign.

An Itchy Right Palm Could Mean You Will Make Important Changes

According to Superstitions and Folk Remedies, if you have an itchy right palm, this could mean you will leave a job, relationship, friendship or you will move to a different area, because you are no longer happy with the life you live. But don’t worry. Endings are new beginnings. An itchy right palm could also mean that a stranger is going to enter your life soon, who will greatly influence your future.

News might be coming your way

Is your right palm itching? It could mean that news will come from afar, according to folklore. But, according to one belief, you’ll have to spit in your itching palm to get it.

An itchy right hand could mean bad luck

According to Folk-lore from Adams County, Illinois, an itchy right hand is considered to be a sign of bad luck or misfortune. Then again, it also noted that rubbing your itching hand on wood will bring you good luck, so it seems there’s a pretty easy way of reversing your bad fortune in this case.

Having an itchy right palm could mean you’re about to win a fight

In some cultures, an itchy right hand means that you will have the upper hand in a fight or you will be on top of things when you’re challenged.

If you’ve got an itch in your left palm, however, you might want to start running as this could mean that you will lose the battle. So, a right-hand itch can mean something good is about to happen to you, but you’ll have to fight for it first. (https://idealhealth123.com)

What To Do When You’ve Got An Itchy Right Palm

So, if your right hand itches, it could ne an unlucky sign related to money loss. However, you shouldn’t base any life-altering decisions on a superstition, nor take any chances with finances or health. If you experience a right palm itch, you can avoid gambling activities, stay away from the share market for a while, or refrain from unnecessary expenses. Being cautious about personal finances is always a good idea, anyway.

You can also say an affirmation or prayer in the morning when you wake up, to get protection from negative energies and attract wealth or prosperity.

What Happens When Both Hands Itch

Both of your hands are itching? This is considered good luck. Put both hands in your pocket and scratch, for money will soon flow into your pockets!

Others say that if both of your palms are itching, you should grab a clump of your hair and start rubbing it against your palms. The more hair you grab hold of, the more money you’ll receive! Try it and see if it works!

The Truth Behind Superstitions

According to YouGov data, nearly “one in 10 people (9%) consider themselves “very superstitious,” while another 20 percent consider themselves “somewhat superstitious.” Another Gallup survey finds that “one percent of respondents admitted to being very superstitious, 24% somewhat so, 28% not very and 47% not at all.” Regardless of which superstition one believes in, there is no doubt that these odd beliefs will continue to play a role in influencing how people live.

The truth about superstitions is whether you believe them or not. If you’ve experienced right hand itching, and it turned out to be an interesting experience, we’d love to hear about it!

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Right Hand Itching – What Does It Mean? - The (mostly) Simple Life (2024)


Right Hand Itching – What Does It Mean? - The (mostly) Simple Life? ›

Right hand itching

In many cultures, it is believed that if your right palm itches, you will receive or shake hands with someone who will bring you money or good fortune. Some also associate it with receiving unexpected wealth or a windfall.

What does it mean if your right hand itches? ›

Right hand itching

In many cultures, it is believed that if your right palm itches, you will receive or shake hands with someone who will bring you money or good fortune. Some also associate it with receiving unexpected wealth or a windfall.

What does it mean when your right hand itches bad? ›

An itchy right hand can signify unexpected money in your future; in some cultures, however, it can signify poor financial luck. In Hindu culture, the individual's gender determines the luck factor—an itchy right palm is lucky for masculine people and unlucky for feminine people.

What does itchy hands mean spiritually? ›

Many consider itchy left hands to indicate incoming abundance, good fortune and luck." It has long been believed the left palm is lucky for money. Thus, the left palm itching may very well be a spiritual sign of incoming money or abundance in some other form.

What does the right hand represent spiritually? ›

The “right hand” is seen as a place of honor and status throughout the biblical text. When the Bible makes statements that Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, it is affirming that he has equal status to the Father within the Godhead (Hebrews 1:3, 12:2; 1 Peter 3:22; Acts 7:55-56).

Which hand is the receiving hand for money? ›

It releases energy. and can rot off evil spirits and reduce bad luck. Next is the left hand, also known as the receiving hand, is able to absorb good energy. such as wealth, luck and health.

What part of the body itches with liver problems? ›

Itching associated with liver disease tends to be worse in the late evening and during the night. Some people may itch in one area, such as a limb, the soles of their feet, or the palms of their hands, while others experience an all-over itch.

What does itchy middle finger mean? ›

There are many reasons why you may have itchy fingers, including relatively harmless ones like having dry hands. However, itchy fingers can also sometimes be a sign of a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema, or a nerve-related issue like peripheral neuropathy.

What does it mean when your right hand itches in Islam? ›

What does it mean if your right hand palm itches in Islam? If your right hand is itching, it's said that money is coming your way. Right palm itch indicates good fortune.

What does itching symbolize? ›

Itching on the whole body might be a symptom of an underlying illness, such as liver disease, kidney disease, anemia, diabetes, thyroid problems and certain cancers. Nerve disorders. Examples include multiple sclerosis, pinched nerves and shingles (herpes zoster). Psychiatric conditions.

What does itchy hands fingers mean? ›

Nerve problems, scabies, and skin conditions such as psoriasis are possible causes of itchy fingers. Treatment depends on the cause, but soaking fingers in cool water may bring some relief. A person might feel the itchiness on the surface of their fingers, under the skin, or only on some fingers.

Are itchy hands related to stress? ›

Stress hormones may also initiate an immune response that includes inflammation and the release of substances that stimulate nerve endings, causing dry, itchy skin. Some people rub or scratch their skin as a coping mechanism when stressed, which damages the skin and makes it itchy.

What is the old saying when your right hand itches? ›

Some say itchy palms are a sign of greed. Others say that if your palms itch, it means there will be money in your future. When your left-hand itches it is said to be a sign that money will be coming your way and a itchy right-hand means money will be flowing out of your pocket.

What happens when itching in the right hand? ›

According to this, itching in the right hand gives wealth. As per Hindu religion, the Goddess Lakshmi symbolizes wealth, fertility, and prosperity. Therefore, when your left palm itches, people believe it means that the Goddess is leaving you. Therefore, you will lose money or spend it.

What hand signs mean money? ›

The money gesture, also known as the pay me gesture, is signalled by repeatedly rubbing one's thumb over the tip of the index finger and middle finger. The gesture resembles the act of rubbing coins or bills together and is generally used to indicate financial topic.

What is the Old Wives tale about itchy feet? ›

(16) If the sole of your foot is itchy it is said you will walk on strange ground.

What does it mean if your right wrist itches? ›

Itchy wrists can often be a symptom of an allergic reaction. While it is usually a minor inconvenience, it can sometimes signify a more serious medical condition requiring immediate attention. Itchy wrists can be due to several factors including: Environmental allergens.

Where do you itch with liver problems? ›

Itching associated with liver disease tends to be worse in the late evening and during the night. Some people may itch in one area, such as a limb, the soles of their feet, or the palms of their hands, while others experience an all-over itch.

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