Republicans Assess Election; (2024)

V 32 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed,, Nov. 17, 1982 NEW 1982 STYLES TIMEX Y*vt Trust in EMS question Kick the habit; New housing tHn Dtwnn4 Sy—i 25% OFF OREAT SELECTION may go back ^ Agostinelli did rate modest _ J s e ik o Pulsemeter.- A U M O IT A U *E LECTRICS* U P *LIC0 m M - S l T h e rafliarUMe new • SELMBNO *WATERFROOr * O U A m • DRESS BOXEtt * ■ ia ia n n chronograph » VJA«BUARANT|J^^^ . . . page 3 . . page 11 . . . page 20 ''^ ^ “ nthat takas your puba MENS ORLON SWEATERS SAVE <70

•ComputBr Sets Focus afS. for Sharp PleturoB All Mostly Cloudy Manchester, Conn. •15.97 Tlmos — Evan In DarknoBa tonight, Friday Thursday, Nov. 18, 1982 sShoot ovary 1W Boc. Reg. $22. •Safa light automatical­ — See page 2 25 Cents ly The new Seiko Puhemeler'offers you a fast, convenient •Action Shota Parfact way to measure your pulse rate But that's not all. It also displays the time. day. date and features a chronograph Soft V-neck sweaters In and alarm functions. All in one handsome watch. 8 colors quality made by^ •The Seiko Pulsemelei ii. desiKiMHl to Ih* ustst tor [ihysn .il litniiss .ind ret fHjrpw*' only .ind should not um'<1 or on .i fni*dic jl dt*\ iCi* Penobscot, Bay, Traders* Sizes S, M, L, XL Housing agreement MANCHESTER PARKADE • 640-0012 .ALSO VERNON, SIMSBURY, WESTFARMS MALL, BRISTOL J Downfown STOnf HOURS OP{N f VENlNGS TILL 9 TUtS &Luuiaiuj r , YOU ALWAYS BUY BETTER AT ^ g iAJiam'8 Apple ' ■SES^^.rm .W MANCHESTER PARKADE jew eler 649-1787 Frosted 12” diagonal BLACK & WHITE o p e n s d ^ r s Crystal closing PORTABLE T.V. GLASTONBURY (UPI) - The nearly good and valid planning reasons, not for all-white town of Glastonbury, in an any concern about who’s going to live By Raymond T. DeMeo SANTA agreement with the Justice Department, there.” ! Herald Reporter • Quick start pic­ promises to welcome low-and moderate- There are two low-and. moderate- ture, Instant income housing projects with open arms, income housing orniects in Glastonbury Bargain-hunters made close quarters of Shoor BELL sound but maintains it has always done so. — the 200-unit Welles Village and Center Jewelers this morning, on the first day of the 33- • Automatic gain Richard S. Borden Jr., town manager Village, which has 100 units. There also year-old Main Street store’s going-out-of-business 5 ’/2" Tall of the Hartford suburb, said Thursday is Knox Lane, a 40-unit elderly'housing sale. control the agreement entered in U.S. District complex. Store owners Alan and Creighton Shoor, an­ Court in Hartford contains stipulations Many of the homes in Glastonbury, a ticipating a busy day, hired extra employees to , that already are in effect. tobacco valley town which has more assist customers. Uniformed guards were also on W hy Rent? Buy Nowl “We have never discriminated in the prerevolutionary homes preserved than hand for security. <4.95 starting In January you must buy or past and we won't In the future,” said anywhere else in the state, are screened The Shoor brothers are closing their business of rent phone from N.E. Tolophono. i f f o e j Borden, who was manager at the time by trees and accessible only by winding, their own free will. Creighton, 67, and Alan, 63, say Reg. $30.00 . the Carter administration filed the Dec. hilly roads. they’ve worked long enough, and are looking LIMITED 1, 1980, f^ir housing complaint agaiiist forward to leisure. SUPPLY Borden said few applications are filed From the House of Goebel Glastonbury. for low-and moderate-income housing “A lot of people have said, 'we feel bad for you,’ The town at the time had a population • projects. like we’re being forced out of business,” said of 27,000 that was 99 percent white, ac­ “The land is expensive and the Jobs Creighton Shoor. “But really, we couldn’t be hap­ cording to the government. The suit aren’t there and people don’t want to pier.” ch arg ^ Glastonbury pursued a policy of commute,” he Said. “It’s (few Bernard Apter, owner of the Regal’s Men’s Shop preventing the development of In­ applications filed) the same reason as at nearby 903 Main St., isn’t happy to learn that tegrated housing projects. -fo fall of the other rural communities, Shoor's will be departing. “This (the closing) came M a n c h e s te r SHOP EARLY FOR Borden said the suit followed the like Avon and Farmington.’’ as a complete shock to me,” he said today. town’s refusal to approve an application Under the agreement reached with the “Shoor’s was a good, friend on Main Street. It in 1979 for construction of the River Justice Department’s civil rights divi­ brought people downtown; it was good store to have Meadows low- and moderate-income sion, town officials did not admit next door,” he said. nQusmg project. violating all the allegations in the suit Shoor Jewelers leases its store from Davis E. P a rk a d e CHRISTMAS “That’s when this whole business r-mm but they. agrBed to pranMto ooKaLL'- started,” he said. Borden said the housing opportunities;” • ' ' ■' '-Ii-**! Mananchester’s loan center is also in Wiggin’s proposed 70-unit'complex was in a flood The town said it will; building. An SBM spokesman said this morning that plain. * Pass a fair housing resolution within there’s “a possibility” that the bank will lease . Low-and moderate-income housing .10 days that will welcome people of all space in the former Jewelry store for offices. projects, he said, gre “turned down for races, colors, creeds and naUonal origins The Shoor brothers got their start in 1949 in a I to 70% OFF small storefront at 977 Main St. Shoor’s took over to reside there. * Identify areas where sites may exist the former site of Wior’s Jewelry Store after the \n Most Stores Jt5F~ multi-family rental housing and brothers bought the business. Inside today ' cooperate with potential developers of The store moved to its present site at 917 Main St. low-and-moderate income rental in I960.. housing. In its early days the store sold spaghetti bowls, 20 pages, 2 sections * Offer developers incentives such as screwdrivers and electric train sets alongside its increased densities in zoning if such a rings and pendants. “In those days, it was a NOV. 17-20 L ottery...... 2 different type of business,” said Creighton Shoor. Advice ...... 12 need is demonstrated, and tax Herald photo by Saviste Area to w n s___7 O bituaries___10 abatements. “We were trying to get people into the store, to Business...... 20 Opinion...... 6 * Aid developers in obtaining loans. open charge accounts.” REED'S INC. Classified .. 18-19 P rapletalk...... 2 * Encourage developers to set aside 15 JULIUS COHEN SURVEYS WARES AT SHOOR JEWELERS The store gained notority one summer five years Sports...... 15-17 ST Comics...... 8 to 20 percent of the units in their projects . . . Wednesday, before goIng-out-of-busIness saTe started I’lcusi' turn lo IP CASUAL LADY MANCHESTER PARKADE 'Entertainment 12 Television ...... 8 for rental to low-and moderatehincome Fashions for the Fuller Figure ILL families at below-market ratesl Package Store PRICE BREAK Let ua help you telecl that Barry Road house damaged Special trine for Thanhtgiving BIC OFFICE PENS Irish Mist hMlMIOOfelMIlW Iratamfa Lagandary Navalla <1.00 per dozen OFF LIquaur 70 proof Chablla, Roaa, A Faulty TV set suspected blaze cause 30% 750 ML Burgundy 7 i Rag P ric a ...... 18.99 3 Utor Sala P rIca...... 14.67 Rag. Sava Spacial plush all Selection Mall-In Rabata...... -3.00 Ah electrical malfunction in a television set is the suspected cause' ALL COATS 8.99 2.00 6.99 MMHLS 1983 «f of a Wednesday afternoon fire that Psrtset lor four Quality severely damaged a home at 76 Final Coat 11.67 ThsntngMng Dlimor. Barry Road. •DAKIN •Christmas It was the second fire at the home Sizes 14V2-24V2 of’ Edward and Lois Hanlon in less CMvas Regal Boodtosain •GARFIELD •GiftuiraD than a year and a half. No one was in 1 Utor 88 Proof 780 ML Scotch •SMURF & REHLiS •Boxed Cards the home at the time of the blaze, 649-6382 04.4 Proof which started in a first-floor den and Rag. Sava Spacial Rag. Sava Spadal •Ornaments spread down a hallway until it (across from Youth Contra) enveloped the entire first floor of 21.3S 4.58 16.77 9.99 2.02 7.97 the Cape Cod-style house, said Mon., Tuaa., Sal. 10-5:30, Wad., FrI., 10-0 Thomas R, O’Marra, public infor­ ,MI I hr TiptE. Vs OFF yaPMCE^PMCE Sun. 12-5 mation officer for the Eighth Utilities District volunteer fire ■ s '' department. ^ ’hiirty-four district firefighters iW S C O lAVE-MO responded at 1:30 p.m. to a PAREADE HEALTH SHOPPE ' nei^bor’s report of the fire, he DISC GAMER said. When they arrived, the house S A V E » a was full of smoke, with an interior Licensed by Ked temperature of more than 1,000 deffmes, he said. RECORDBR8flHER file heat melted plastic window Maneheelw PeAede. Mwchwisr. CT (MONO OBR 6«7.18I 6 shades, kitchen fixtures and lampshades on the first floor of the house, O'Marra said. Firefighters chopped boles in the NOW ON VIDEOOASSETTE roof to ventilate the house before going insite, be s41d. 401 CMKM The blase was quelled in about •Shoola 3-plcturoa par half an hour, O’Marra said. The den where the fire started was com­ •Bum In Flaah - (No pletely destroyed, and the rest of the Flaohbulbo naadad) • «1 ON THi BHT 8MUR u n . first floor suffered heavy fire •Motor driven automatl- • HDUCi M K OFCANCMI, damage. Second floor bedrooms MNy to next frame m a r t n S IA li; STROM were damaged by snsoke, he said. •Automattc aanaor datorminaa IT a RBUCi OBPRBSMN AND SI The house is uninhabitable. But msHen ACM E MTTMWtTHNUTRtnON neither O'.Mai'ra, d istrict fire DISTRICT FIRE CAPTAIN VICTOR LeQEYT INSIDE GUTTED HOME JUICKRATOR matahnl Granville H. Lingard im a . . . uses device to test whether fire Is Inside wells •UHra-LNa BaNary n e e j e n m A M o neighbor who reported the fire knew •Mtmatura peefcat alao VITAUTY ALL HEALTH & this morning where the Hanlons are COOKBOOKS staying. H«raM nbotot by TarquMo Besides Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon, four All are teenaged or In their 20s. previous fire was probably caused they couldn’t estimate the dollar 20% OFF children, yrere living at the house: On July 22,1961, a fire destroyed a by careless disposal of smoking value of the damage caused by •29” FIREFIGHTER BOB TURCOTTE AFTER BLAZE Edward Hanlon Jr., Kevin Hanlon, first floor master bedroom at the material. v Wednesday’s fire. Lingard guessed Rag. 88.88 ALL HERBAL TEAS 10% OFF (No enffiene) S3 9 « . . . 34 volMdtMrs who rM pondsd to houso A rt. George Hanlon, and Eileen Hanlon. Hanlon' home. Lingard said the District spokesmen said today it ran “ in the thousands oMIoUars.’’ 7^ ^

2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurs.. Nov. 18. 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurs., Nov. 18, 1982 - 3 -‘V\ *' \ 1 V \ '*■ ( I '*'-1 ''' V ('.• News Briefing v_Iowi - * F a ir N r Directors to decide future Ex^CIA agent convicted of paramedics plan tonight lO S ANOELES ALEXANDRIA, Va. (UPI) - A federal jury took just tO W E S l 4‘/i hours to decide former CIA agent Edwin Wilson was " ' ’‘d * TEMEERAIUnES a rogue arms merchant who sold guns to Libyan '’i MIAMI And DlRosa said he believes there Director Ronald Kraatz in a study -J^SO By Nancy Thompson requested by the Board of Directors, military officials, not a “spy who was left out in the . LlOfNO ■" and Richard Cody is support for that action among the T^Am A<>1*Q t tl is about $100,000 less expensive. cold.” 3 ram EZ3 M O w l Herald Reporters The seven-woman, five-man jury returned guilty ver- “Arithmetically, I would say At a meeting of the Republican slicts Wednesday on seven of eight counts accusing The Board of Directors will decide there’s a chance (the Republican Town Committee Wednesday, Wilson of illegally exporting four handguns and a Colt UIM WCAIMLII I OTOCA81 ^ tonight whether to proceed with proposal will pass),” DlRosa said. Chairman Curtis M. Smith M-16 automatic rifle from the United States to Libyan plans for a paramedic program or “I think that there’s support (from ”We don’t think the—pe^Ie are intelligence and army officials in 1979. postpone them and study the matter Democrats).” , getting what they voted on. Our He was acquitted of transferring arms across state - further. The Republican directors last obligation Is to give tpem what they lines. The former spy faces three other trials in The board — which will meet week held a press conference calling v o t^ on. Washington and Houston on charges of conspiracy to tonight at 8 In the Lincoln Center for a halt'to plans for the developing “The parsflng^ program as murder a Libyan dissident on a |1 million “hit” con­ Weather hearing room — is scheduled to con­ paramedics program, saying that presented to the voters last year tract, illegally exporting 44,000 pounds of Army- sider approval of agreements with the program had changed too does not resemble what the town controlled plastic explosives and bomb devices to Libya. the firefighters’* union and the drastically from the concept voters will now get if the present program Wilson also is charged with recruiting former Green Manchester Ambulance Services approved at a referendum last year. is instituted,” Smith said. Berets to teach terrorists in the North African country regarding the paramedic program. The proposal now calls for five Democratic leaders have accused how to use the explosives and weaponry. € However, Peter P. DlRosa Jr., firefighters, working out of the town Smith and the Republican directors Today’s forecast the leader of the Republican minori­ fire department, to be trained as of playing politics by announcing ty on the board, said the Republican their opposition to the plans for the Was Shamir alerted? Today sunny. Highs near 50. Light northeast wM s. param ^ics. directors will ask that the question paramedic program. Tonight clouding up With patchy fog. Lows 30 to 35. Light The EMS Council had of how the program should be set up recommended a program based in Democratic Mayor Stephen T. An Israeli Cabinet minister testified today he alerted easterly winds. Friday mostly cloudy. Highs near 50. Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir about the Beirut be referred to the Emergency Manchester Hospital. The fire Penny noted that the voters were massacre of- Palestinians the morning after the killings Easterly winds around 10 mph. Medical Services Council for further department-based program, not asked to approve a specific program in the referendum last began. study. developed by Assistant Health Communications Minister Mordechai Zippori, bitterly Extended outk)'ok year, but just approve the concept. complaining that the government only learned of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon's decision to allow tfie Extended outlook for New England Saturday through Herald photos by Pinto Christian Phalangist militiamen into the Palestinian Monday: . , camps in retrospect, said an Israeli journalist told him Massachussetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Fair with a warming trend through the period. Daytime about the mass killings on the morning of Friday, Sept, UPI photo Happy 10 years highs in the 40s and 50s Saturday rising to the 50s and 60s Gingerbread Fair 17. The Phalangists entered the camps Thursday night. Monday. Overnight lows will rise from the 30s and low Superintendent of Schools James P. left) Kathleen Foulds, a special education “He (the journalist) said, ‘1 have reports the 40s Saturday to the 40s and low 50s Monday. Today in history Kennedy was honored Wednesday evening teacher. Dr. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy. Dr. Phalange are committing a slaughter,’” Zippori told the Vermont: Clpudy Saturday. Chance of showers Sun­ Kennedy has headed Manchester schools three-member Israeli commission probing the day and Monday. Unseasonably mild. Highs in the upper at a reception at Robertson School. Sharing Attic Treasures for 10 years. inassacre of Sept. 16-18 at the Sabra and Chatila refugee On Nov. 18, 1903 Panama and the United tic oceans. This was the scene one year later 40s and 50s. Lows in the 30s to mid 40s. a moment during the reception are (from Featuring — Country Store camps in which hundreds were killed. States signed a treaty for the building of the during excavation of the "big ditch." Maine: Generally fair through the period. Highs in the Holiday Decorations Temple Chapter #53 Panama Canal, linking the Pacific and Atlan­ 40s north to low 50s south. Lows in the upper 30s to low Straw Flowers Bishops eye nuke policy 40s. y Order of the Eastern Star New Hampshire: jJenerally fair through the period. AAHA to meet with architect Bake Sale WASHINGTON (UPI) — The nation’s.Roman Catholic Highs mostly in the 50s. Lows in the upper 30s to low 40s. Children’s Store Sal., Nov. 20, ' bishops, debating the moral issues of the nation's POWs back from Angola Suit failure studied ' \ Knits 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. nuclear deterrent strategy, find themselves in a NEW YORK (UPI) — Three Americans released from Toys and Candy MASONIC TEMPLE bruising but not unexpected political battle' with the SPAC^CENTER, Houston (UPI) — Investigators are Rainbow and DeMolay Items Angolan prisons in a multinational prisoner-of-war swap looking into everything from equipment breakdown to before setting Mayfair plan 25 East Canter Street Reagan administration. National forecast SHRINE CLOWNS FOR THE KIDSI In another effort to soften the bishops’ proposed state­ had tearful reunions with family, and one who sought tampering in an effort to find out why both of space Manchcatar, CT “romance and adventure” as a mercenary said he faced shuttle Columbia’s $2 million spacewalking suits failed ment on nuclear war and peace issues, the administra­ By United Press International ' Los Angeles pc Us 56 .... — 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. tion Wednesday made public and distributed to every a firing squad 'three times. in orbit. City & Fest Hi Lo Pep Louisville r 53 46 .... Housing Authority member John FitzPatrick noted, Luncheon Albuquerque pc 57 43 .... By Nancy Thompson bishop a seven-page, single spaced letter from White Geoffrey Tyler, 28, of Seabrook, Md., a pilot, and Richard A. Colonna, head of a special suit review Memphis r 56 S3 .... “Federal funds have been drying up rather than getting Beef stew, lasagne, _ mercenaries Gustavo Grillo, 33, of Toms River, N.J., Asheville r SO 43 .06 M iam i Bech pc 80 77 .06 Herald Reporter House national security adviser William Clqrk. The board, says the double failure is especially puzzling Atlanta r 4« 4B .94 Milwaukee pc 48 S .... looser.” ■ sandwiches letter was addressed to Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of and Gary Acker, 28, of Sacramento, Calif., arrived on a because both suits passed rigorous tests just before they . Billings cy se 40 .... Mlnneajwtis pc 45 21 .... The Manchester Housing Authority Wednesday The Housing Authority decided to invite a represen­ Masonic Temple Club Room TWA jet from Paris Wednesday. were packed and stowed in Columbia about 12 days Birmmgham cy 56 40 Nashville r 56 40 A Chicago, chairman of the committee drafting the Boston c SO 33 .... New Orlens cy 66 81 .08 delayed discussion on plans to modernize Mayfair tative from Cahn to attend its January meeting to detail Turkey proposed pastoral statement. The three were whisked away to private reunions with before launch. ' Brwhsvll 76 64 .... New York pc 51 43 .... Gardens, asking for a meeting with the architect. how the firm is proposing to carry out the project and 5:00 p.m. — first serving families and friends, but Tyler and Grillo later spoke to “That’s one of the things that prompted us to give this Buffalo pc 51 33 .... Oklahm Cty cy 56 44 .... what can be done with the available money, if no further DINNER Clark's letter sharply criticized the bishops for failing Charlstn S.C. r 66 56 .06 Omaha cy M SB .... Members of &e Housing Authority held off .on discus­ Dinner — 6:00 p.m. — second senring to give the administration enough credit for its arms reporters. Acker told a State Department official he a little more attention than we would give normal in­ Charlott N.C. r 57 46 Philadelphia cy 50 36 ...A sing a proposal submitted by Cahn Consulting Engineers funds are forthcoming. Chicago cy 27 reduction initiatives and defended the U.S. policy of was too tired for an interview. flight problems,” Colonna said in a news conference Phoenix pc 64 80 JO and Planners for fixing up the housing complex for the The scope of the program is not known because Tyler and Grillo both said they had been treated Geveiand cy 55 30 Plttsburn cy 56 43 .m. nuclear deterrence — a policy the proposed pastoral W^nesday. Columbu'S>)i 54 47 Portlano Me. c 47 S .... elderly because they did not want to commit to the total Housing Authority Chairman Pascal Mastrangelo \ questions and which some bishops condemn. humanely by the Marxist Angolan government. Columbia crewmen Vance Brand, Robert Overmyer, Dallas r 53 51 .10 Portland Ore. r 80 40 JB $200,000, five-year plan. refused to release Cahn’s proposal for the moderniza­ Adults — $5.00 “ I don’t feel my treatment was inhumane, although Denver pc Providence c 54 36 .... , Today, during an open two-hour debate on the issue Joseph Allen and William Lenoir prepared detailed Des Moines cy Richmond t 88 SO .... ”He’s guestimating this will be a $200,000 project,” tion project to the press, saying that it had not yet been Children — $2.75 (under 12) the bishops will make clear whether the latest ad­ my confinement in the jail was completely unjust,” said reports on their five-day satellitelaunching mission Detroit cy St. Louis 87 45 .08 said Housing Authority member Richard Schwolsky. acted upon by the Housing Authority. Tyler, who described his reunion with his mother, while their memories were still fresh. Duluth pc Salt Lak Sly. Ctycy 86 36 .... “I don’t want the people to be mis-lnformed,” he said. ministration effort to influence their thinking will have El Paso cy San Antonio r 88 86 .... “We don’t have $200,000. How can you approve a con- any impact. Marjorie', as tearful.' Among the things Overmyer noted were the need for Hartford c San Diego pc 88 87 .... tract-if you don’t have the money?” He said after the meeting that the work will moder­ Dinner by reservation Grillo, who said he went to Angola for “romance and better food trays and, for astronaut Sally Ride who flies Honolulu pc Seattle r 81 48 .70 Carol Shanley, executive director of the Housing nize the entire Mayfair area, including work such as Phone: Elizabeth Mottram adventure,” said he too “was treated humanely.” Grillo Indianapolis cy Spokane r 51 48 .16 on the seventh shuttle mission next year, some kind of Jackson Miss, r iVim iui pc a 84 .... Authority, said there Is now $80,000 available and of­ lowering ceilings in the apartments. 646-4132 walked with a cane and said he suffered a leg injury in Jacksonville cy Washington cy 60 41 .... curtains to add a little privacy in the cramped two-room ficials hope to get another $70,000, for a total of $130,000. In other business, the Housing Authority: Carolyn Melaon Union admits failure Angola. Kansas City cy W ichita cy 87 48 ... • Awarded a bid for snowplowing to Jim’s Arce of cabin. Las Vegas pc 643-9712 WARSAW, BOLAND (UPI) — Warsaw’s main un­ “There’s no such thing as privacy in Columbia light Little Rwk r Hartford Road at a cost of $1,400 for service through derground leaflet said today the Solidarity command ad­ now,” Overmyer said. But he said the craft had proved April 30; mitted the failure of last week’s strike was “a serious U.S. pulTout said ‘fatal’ itself livable. Town bond rating • Announced that a $14,300 grant has been received blow” to the group that showed “just how much people from the state Department of Housing to increase in­ are tired.” LONDON (UPI) — NATO Secretary-General Joseph sulation in Spencer Village; The underground leaflet also said that the strike Luhs warned the United States today that withdrawing IH will plead guilty • Reported that 202 persons are now on the waiting failure could lead to a revision of Solidarity tactics, with 15,000 to 20,000 troops from Europe would have a "fatal Lottery will remain at AA list to get into Housing Authority apartments. An ad­ the union in the future buckling down to “a strategy of effect” on the defenses of America’s European allies. HOUSTON (UPI) — Financially trouble Inter­ ditional 80 persons are on the waiting list for Section longterm resistance.” Luns also said he was worried by the European peace' national Harvester Co. blamed high court costs for its Eight housing. No more applications are being accepted The five-man Solidarity underground command called movement’s campaign for one-sid^ disarmament by the decision to plead guilty today to federal charges that one Two national bond rating services have kept for Section Eight housing: • Agreed to bid renovation work on five duplex houses strikes Nov. 10 to mark the second anniversary of the West and claim ^ it was “aided and abetted” by the of its former subsidiaries bribed officials of Mexico’s 3832. Manchester’s rating at AA — a grade that should mean Numbers drawn in New - lower interest rates on municipal bonds, according to as a package, rather than individually. Schwolsky said registration of Solidarity as the East bloc’s first free Soviets. President Reagan recently voiced similar government-owned oil company. England Wednesday: Rhode Island daily: 0773. trade union. But most people went to work. opinions of foreign involvement in the anti-nuclear “IH eipects to enter a plea of guilty to a one-count Town Treasurer Roger M. Negro. j , such a move could save the Housing Authority money in Connecticut daily: 320. Vermont' daily: 114. terms of purchasing materials and could s p ^ up the The military government released Solidarity leader movement. charge of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Massachusetts daily: Negro said town officials learned of the rating late Maine daily: <814. Tuesday from both Moody’s and Standard and Poor's renovation of the homes, which were purchased under a Lech Walesa from 11 months of internment after the “If the United States were to go in the direction that Practices Act in the federal court in Houston,” New Hampshire daily: 8224. some suggest and withdraw troops from Europe, it spokesman Bill Greenhill said Wednesday. “The rating services. federal program. mild protest Nov. 10 and has hinted that it would lift This ad sponsored by Shady Glen Dairy Stores martial law. would have a fatal effect on the defense effort of some maximum penalty for this offense is a $10,000 fine. “We’re very, very pleased,” he said. ■'Most members of the union decided that such a of our European allies and be a present to the Soviet “The documents to be submitted by the Justice . Negro said town officials had feared that they would protest does not pay as the repression would' be incom­ Union,” Luns said in an address to the 200 members of Department will include a statement there was no lose their A A rating — which he said they fought hard to parable with the effects,” Tygodnik Mazowsze, War­ the North Atlantic Assembly. evidence officers, directors or management of IH were get some years ago — because the services had dropped MRTFORD RD. D.Q. saw's main underground leaflet, said. Luns said any move by the United States to pull out of aware of, or participated in the^conspiracy,” he said. several other towns from AA to Al. D a ir g "Non-participation in the Nov. 10 strike is a serious Europe, as proposed in Congress, would be “self­ The plea was to be made today. Almanac The higher rating will mean Ve to percent blow to the authority of the national underground destructive and not in the interest of the United States.” Citing an earlier, statement, Greenhill said the ^, difference In bids for the sale of $6.5 million in bonds for Q u e e n Holiday Cake Sale C3iicago-based company, which has been suffering leadership.” it said. “For the first time its stand did not Assembly members earlier approved a resolution improvements at Manchester High School, construction (s a ls good thru Nov. 28th) see support from the union members. strongly opposing one-sided troop cuts by the West and severe financial difficulties, had been negotiating with at Main and Center streets and Vernon Street, .and im- "On Nov. 10 it could be seen just how much people are called for significant improvement in the alliance’s con­ the Justice Department on the matter to avoid the Today is Thursday, Nov. 18, the 322nd day of 1982 with ■ provements to the landfill. cakes tire d .” ventional strength. monetary demands of an extended period of litigation. 43 to follow. Over the next several yeiars, Negro estimated that the b n H i e r . SpedalTNIWKSGIVING The moon is moving toward Its first quarter. AA rating will save the town $115,000 or more. He said DAIRY STORES The morning stars are Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. the town will probably bond for the water treatment plant and the industrial park within the next year, if the It’s the best thing to happen to cake since The evening stars are Venus and Mars. cake. And what a treat It Is. Ught, cake crunch. market is good. Those bom on this date are under the sign'of Scorpio. Cool and creamy chocolate and vanilla DO*. * Negro said be. General M anner Robert B. Weiss and 3.99 American astronaut Alan Shepard was bora Nov. 18, PUMPKIN ICE CREAM ^ Plus rich, cold fudge and delicious Icing. You Feopletalh town Director of Finance Thomas S. Moore made 1923. SHADY GLEN Pumpkin Ice Cream is made with real pumpkin and ^ can have It decorated tor any occasion. The presentations before both rating services In New York On this date in history: the taaty apices that go into old-fashioned Pumpkin Pie Custard. Dairy Queen* Round Cake, Frozen and Opera and George Balanchine's New York City on Nov. 3. He said they gave infonhatlon on the town in Ballet Tuesday night she’s thinking of making it an In 1883, the United States adopted Standard Time and Enjoy qualityl Enjoy SHADY GLENI packaged for easy take home. Pick one up Grandpa's joy set up four time zones — Elastera, Central, Mountain general, tax collections, budget surpluses, the pension annual’ affair. fund and employment. today. 'There’s a special bond between grandparents and “ It’ll make a wonderful ending to our new July and Pacific. In 1903, Panama and the United States signed a treaty EGG NOG grandkids — if you don’t believe it ask Walter through November season we are scheduling, Made by SHADY GLEN. A hearty drink rich enough to dilute. May be Cronkite. Barry Goldwater, Jerry Lewis or John beginning next year.” , for the building of the Panama Canal, linking the Pacific 8” c a k e s ... *6.95 and Atlantic oceans. served as is or as a base for your favorite Brandy. Sold by the quart, Forsythe. 'The Merrill Lynch brokerage firm underwrote or in individual glasses. You can be sure you buy the best when That’s what McCall’s did in its Christmas issue, In 1974, President Ford arrived In Tokyo for a state Officer draws gun ‘1.99 11"cakot...> the evening of singing and dancing at Lincoln you buy SHADY GLENI R ^ u tir 2.50 9.95 in which Cronkite says about Buck, 8 months, Center followed by a dinner dance honoring the ' visit on his way to a meeting with Soviet Communist All ptoe are made In a ■'Buck seems to agree with every theory of mine gala’s stars, including the ballet’s Suzanne Farrell, Party chief Leonid Brezhnev in Vladivostok. ’k'r'^y oraham cracker shall. In 1981, actor William Holden died of iitjiirles suffered i V / chooaa from: Chocolate about what would cure the world’s ills — and he Adam Luders, Karin von Aroldingen and Peter CRANBERRY SHERBET F u d g e , Strawberry. does so with a big smile. I was never crazy about Martins, and the opera’s Diana Soviero, Jon in a fail in his apartment in Santa Monies, Calif. to prevent assault Refreshing, tasty cranberries made PlnMppla Coconut. babies ... but I put all rational feelings behind when Garrison, Stephanie Sundine and Claudette into a delicious fruit sherbet. Serve as ( ' a topping for your fresh fruit cup, LOSS *3.99 it comes to this child.” Petersen. The event raised about $S(M,000. A police officer said be threatened to shoot a man rogular $5.95 Goldwater: “Grandchildren bring back to their A thought for the day; British playwright George Ber­ or as a light dessert. It’s ideal grandfathers the warmth of family love.” nard Shaw said, “The test of a man or woman’s Tuesday to prevent the man from assaulting him with a for holiday entertaining! Lewis says take the love for a child and, Quotes of the day breeding Is bow they bdiave in a quarrel.” basebaU bat. . COME IN AND REOISTER FOR FREE CAKE “Magnify that a thousandfold.” Officer Michael Morrissey said William J. Carter, of EGGNOG 1 CAKE TO BE OIVEN AWAY WEEKLY Forsythe: “Grandparents get all the good things There are a lol of witty women in the world, as 391 Center St., attacked him first with a four-Joot log proved in a new book called “The Quotable ICE CREAM NO PURCHASE NECESSARY______— all the best.” and then with a baseball bat when Morrissey tried to Woman,” by Elaine Partnow, to be published next arrest him on warrants charging several crimes, in- A rich, tasty egg nog trtade month. into a smooth, creamy ice 4 Prepackaged Sundaes ctndlng assault. ■ reg.$3.20 ^ 2 a 0 0 Tree-trimmers Among the 606 pages of women’s wit and wisdom . IHamlfpBtpr Hrrald The officer said he approached Carter at 7 p.m. near aeam . Another luscious are these. Jean Kerr: "I’m tired of all this non-^ the back door of the suqiect’a391 Center St. residence. SHADY GLEN taste treat! TAKE HOME 2QtsHomePac Maria Burton Carson, d au ^ ter of Elizabeth sense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s Richard M. Diamond, Publlahar Police had a warrant for Carter’s arrest on charges of reg.$1.99 *1.25 Taylor and Richard Burton, and her husband, Steve deep enough. What do you want—an adorable pan­ Thomas J. Hooper, Qanaral Manager second degree assault, two counta of breach of peace, MINCE Carson, are hosting an early Christman party. It's a creas?” SPEOALS ltD.Q. Sanderiches and three counts of failing to appear In court. ICECREAM rag. $1.80 * benefit at New York's Studio 54 on Dec.' 7 for the Gloria Steinem: “R the men in the room would USPS 327-^00 VOU Cll, No. 42 ' Morrissey said Carter stepped away from him toward 1.50 Save the Children international child aid agency. only think how they would feel graduating with a a w o^ile, from which be pldted up the log. • ' A lightly flavored mince made by SHADY GLEN Called “The Night of 100 Trees,” the benefit will ‘spinster of arts’ degree they would see how Impor­ PubHtiMd dally sxoapt Sunday Suggaau “Within seconds after taking the log Carter ran BANANA SPLIT feature an auction of celebrity-decorated Christ­ tant this language reform is.” Dame lEklith Evans: and eartain liolldaya by ttia SI.30 wsokly. towards me swinging wildly,’.’ belaid. for your hoiday eating mas trees along with other entertainment. “When a woman behaves like a man, why doesn’t ManohaaMr PubSahlns Co., IS monSi, S1SS6 tor i Morrissey said he dodged Carter’s swings. The picaaure. If you like the The tree trimmers include Liz and Dick, Larry Bralnard Plaoa, Manohsatar.'$30.70 tor ibinioM aaM SItl^W tantalizing flavor of SPECIAL she behave like a nice man?’ Conn. 08040. Saoqnd olaaadfor on* year. Mattvatos ara sunect then ran inside the house, and the officer Hagman and his mother, Mary Martin, Raquel McCall't photo vis UPI poitaga paid at Mayhaator. avaSabto on laquaak y • ' followed him. The suspect aUegedly grabbed a baaehall maKC pit, you’ll love Welch, Tony Randall, Ralston, the Muppets and Conn. POSTMASTSfl: Bond ad- bat from a first floor bedroom and threatened the of­ mtnee ice creami Hand- Glimpses draaa ohangaa to Sia Mancbaalar Peter Allen, WALTER CRONKITE HOLDS GRANDSON Th plaoa a olataMad or diaptay ficer wito it. packed at the counter t s f r i u r The committee list for the benefit includes Liza Tlarald. P.O. Boa SB1, advarUaamanr. or M rdport a while you wait, or aold in Only 73^ Leonard Bernstein temporarily exchanged his . . 8-month-old Buck apple of grandpa’a aye Manoheaiar, Com, 06040. n a m Uam, aiory or. p ta am Ipaa. D u r i n g the course of the attack, Morrissey said he fell Minnelli, Muhammad All, Elizabeth Ashley, baton for a pen to write “Findings,” a collection of oaS 6463711. OMoe hours aro to the floor. When Carter came after him, be drew his th t aconomical half-gallona. Geraldine Page, Zoe Caldwell, Tommy Tunc and To auboorlbo, or to raport a 1:30 a.m . Ip 6 p.m. Mpnday revolver and threatened (b shodt, h$ said. Try a corw of miiKt ka OKN lf days his poetry, essays and personal correspondence to Tony Bennett will receive the 1862 Hoey Award dallvary probtom. oaS 1474646. through Pnday.' Roy Scheider. be publislMKl this month ... for Interracial Justice fro'ih the Catholic Carter then ran outside, where bedras apprehended by craam. It’a dalkioua. Offloa houra ara aSO a.m. to SaO . another offlco' who bad been dalled to the scene, M Carrie Nye, also known as Mra. Dick Cavett, is Interracial Council in New York.Nov. 29 ... p.m. Monday SwouBh S rM ^ and ThP la a SPED qUKN COM UUMDRY 6am-llpn Double-header performing off-Broadway in a revised and Placldo Domingo, in London singing niccinl’s 7 to 10 a.ffl. Bahirtay. Daihmry, aubaerlbarto UoBad Prtas hdar- Morrissey said. IWOCONVENBTT LOCATIOte n MANCHESTER rewritten version of Josh Logan’s “The Wisteria “La Fanciulla del West,” received an honorary ahouM ba mada by S pjn. Mon- naSonM nawa aarvtoaa and la a -< The suspect was charged with criminal attempt to SaOE MBOLEITKE onRT.« -Op«OalyandSun.:IMiadtBincho|MnMon in S u 32 Family six# Waahara ...... 75a load day through Friday and by 7:30 mombar el Um AudH iuria u o( ' assault a police officer, interfering with an officer, and 4ohn C. bimI BfiiiOB A. ItlBg. OwMn Beverly Sills was so p issed with the success of Trees,” the play that originally starred Helen doctorate in music from Britain’s Royal College of a.m. Saturday. Choqladona. J. Hoch. EMCui«»MMigv 4 Supar aixad WM|j|ra the first joint fundraising gala of her New York City Hayes in the Broadway version ... Music .... nossrnlTm of marijuana. He w u held on 910,000 cash bo^ for a Dec. 6 apiwaraiice In Manchester Superior 17 Dryara * 15 IHIniitaa ...... 284. Court. J a. w 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thflrs., Nov. 18. 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurs., Nov. 18, 1982 - 5 $ 8 9 milliofY rate Layoffs {unlikely' I Motive sought in 'double-hbmicide-suicide'

EAST HAMPTON (UPI) - Milos Bila Jr„ 25, was a plaint of a domestic disturbance had been investigated and no arrests were made, he said. into everything” to find a motive. increase approved CIGNA to cut hard-working auto mechanic who waved to his that day after a report by a “ concerned neighbor.” Bui Nowak said it had not been determined whether the The three bodies were taken to the chief state m edical' neighbors and greeted them over beers. Now police things were quiet at the Bila home when police arrived two incidents were connected, but he was “ checking examiner’s office in Farmington for autopsies. want to know why he apparently killed himself, his wife for phone company and young son. The bodies of the Blla family were found in their ranch-style house on a dead-end street shortly after NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - Southern The $89 million represents a 12.3 4 ,0 0 0 midnight Wednesday. Bila’s neighbors called the shotgun slayings “ the worst crime ever” in the rural New England Telephone Co. percent hike in the intrastate customers may have a better idea revenues allowed the telephone town of 8,600, known best for its scenic, 201-year-old simply not hiring quite as many as covered Comstock Bridge. Friday what they will be paying for company, but less than the $127.2 By Mark A. Dupuis CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN service following the state’s ap­ million the company had sought. United Press International we would normally hire,” he said. Police have ruled the deaths a “ double-homicide- The division now employs about 23,- - proval of an $89 million rate hike for Company spokesman Ed Fortes suicide,” but could not explain why Bila turned the gun the utility. said the DPUC ruling was “ in our BLOOMFIELD - CIGNA Corp. 000 people. on his wife Karen, 25, and 18-month-old son Jason, - MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS DELI SPECIALS has said hiring In other operations “ At the same time, we expect before killing himself. OUR OWN The decision Wednesday by com­ judgement a balanced decision and BAKED H A M ...... missioners of the Department of will certainly help us improve our could offset the '4,000 jobs the in­ growth in our other operations, Mail carrier Dennis Whltty did not stop at the house at •3.69 offsetting much of this r^uction,” • LAND **0" LAKES Public Utility Control will boost earHings.’ ’ surance company will cut from its w 17 Sherry Lane Wednesday. Police had it sealed off, N). of the state’s major phone SNET, suffering a recent drop in property and casualty division over Kilpatrick told reporters during a looking for a motive for the tragedy. USDA QRAqiB “A" AMERICAN CHEESE...... •2.39 revenui'S MUCKFS company by 12.3 percent. earnings, will be allowed to increase the next three years. briefing at CIGNA offices. “ I heard about it on the street and I tried to think its rate of return from 14.2 percent The reduction will be mainly Kilpatrick said the company, about who it could be. They didn’t come to mind,” Whit- B O LO B N A ...... •1.99 A new pricing schedule was to be AVQ. 18-22 LB...... lb. MUCKFS to 16,2 percent under the 58-page . through attrition and should be formed earlier this year through the ty said as he passed by the house the Bilas had lived in TURKEYS presented to the regulatory agency DPUC decision. offset to a large extent by increased merger of Connecticut General lor three years. In the yard, dirt was piled in mounds S A jA M I...... Kl. •2.29 Friday spelling out the impact of the Fortes said the higher rate of employment elsewhere, CIGNA Corp. and INA Corp., has eliminated ■ where small trees had recently been carefully planted. increase on SNET’s 1.2 million return was needed to allow SNET to President Robert D. Kilpatrick said about 2,100 jobs and expected to cut Neighbors said the couple kept to themselves, but n iO VO LO N E C H E E S E ...... lb. •2.69 customers in all but a handful of the USDA GRADE “A” MUCKFS attract the investment money it , Wednesday. about 2,000 more over the next two were friendly and "would wave.” state's 169 cities and towns. needed. He said “ normal employee tur­ years. “ They were the normal young family. They seemed LIVESWURST...... • 1 .9 9 AVG. 10-18 L B ...... lb. MUCKFS The commissioners set a hearing Another controversial aspect of nover’ ’ in th ^ roperty and casualty The reductions will be in CIGNA happy,” said Matt Walton who lived a few houses away. TURKEYS field offices around the country, "I talked to them in the summer ... shared a beer or N/C F R A N K S ...... • 2 .4 9 next Wednesday on the new rate the rate decision will be introduc­ operation “ far exceeds” the number ROYAL OAK-AII oizoo up to 22 lb. tion of Select-a-Call service, to be UPI photo of positions to be trimmed through which are being consolidated as a whatever. 'There was no sign of anything like this.” MUCKFS schedule and, if all goes according KIELBASA ...... ^to plan, new rates will take effect available in certain telephone CIGNA EXECUTIVES LISTEN TO ANNOUNCEMENT attrition, making the possibility of result of the merger. Walton said Milos Bila was an auto mechanic at a .• 2 .1 9 Nov. 26, said DPUC spokeswoman exchanges next summer, Ms, actual layoffs unlikely. local dealership who spent “ practically all of his time FRESH MARCILLAT . . . Robert Kilpatrick (left), George Trumbull Kilpatrick said the reductions King Quillen. Quillen said. “ What we will really be doing is working on cars.” He could not think of any reason why 60% FRENCH B R IE ...... • 3 .4 9 would have little impact on CIGNA Bila would suddenly kill his young family,. THRKEYS lb. OUR OWN — PORT WINE OR CHEDDAR employment in the Hartford area, “ I met t|ie fellow just a couple of weeks ago,” said CHEESE BALLS ...... • 3 .4 9 where Connecticut General was Nancy Chesley, who tends bar at a local cafe. “ He came SWIFT VERMONT based, or the Philadelphia area, in the bar with a couple of his friends and introduced CHEDDAR CHEESE...... • 2 .4 9 Citizen group protests NU rate hike request where INA had its base. himself as my neighbor. He was very friendly and BUTTERBALL pleasant.” \ For example, he said, CIGNA Mrs. Chesley has lived on Sherry Street for several 18-22 LB...... lb. NEW BRITAIN, Conn, lUPD - 30 from agency offices when they The^ protesters planned to greet group the DPUC did not have the ’The CCAG also planned a rally eliminated almost 1,100 jobs this years but said most of the neighbors did not know each TURKEYS ' GARDEN FRESH year when it moved to consolidate .An estimated 15 protesters said they refused to leave. DPUC commissioners when they authority to allow them to stay in with two other groups. Marilyn other well. Nonetheless, she said, it was not the first operations of its Aetna Insurance SWIFT would be waiting outside state The CCAG, which describes itself arrived today to resume the building overnight. Crossley,' vice chairman of the time she had seen trouble at the Bila home. PRODUCE SPECIALS Department of Public Utility Con­ as the state’s largest citizen group, deliberations on the Northeast Police were called when the CCAG energy committee, said 200 to Co. subsidiary — locally known as ‘ "There was a big hassle down there Halloween Day,” trol offices today in a vigil against was staging the vigil .at least request. protesters, equipped with blankets 300 people were expected to attend, “ Little Aetna” — with INA she said. '"The police came flying down the road. ’The BUTTERBALL Northeast Utilities’ request for a through early today to draw atten­ King Quillen, a spokeswoman for and food, refused to leave. Officers including union leaders and some operations in Philadelphia. chief of police and some detectives were down there. EMKROR/CM.MERtA GMPES...... 7 9 * $127.2 million rate hike. the DPUC, said DPUC Com­ talked to them for about five 10-18 LB JUMBO RED tion to burdensome utility costs and legislators. Of the 1,100 people affected at Lit­ Somebody said they had a big fight, but who knows?” TURKEYS lb. The protesters, organized by the to convince the DPUC to reject missioner Peter Boucher talked minutes and after conferring among Ms. Crossley said the CCAG was tle Aetna, more than 750 have been East Hampton Police Sgt. Robert Nowak said a com- DEUGIOUS Xm.ES Connecticut Citizen Action Group, with the protesters and “ expressed thqmselves, they left the building COLONIAL .3 9 * Northeast’s request for a $127.2 staging the vigil and rally “ to make placed in jobs, mostly with CIGNA, huddled in the cold Wednesday night million increase in electric-and gas sympathy with everyone’s right to withput incident, Ms. Quillen said. people in the state aware of what’s Kilpatrick said. after police evicted a group of 25 to rates \ exercise their opinion.” He told the No one was arrested. 'been going on.” SERH-BONELESS aUNBEIMES...... 9 9 * Killer's lawyer HAMS...... ‘ 1.99 SWEET POTATOES/YAMS L .2 5 * Arson discounted in boarding house fire State tokens Also available - Ducks - Qaasa - Capons plans appeal MIDDLETOWN (UPI) — Investigators have dis­ Memorial Hospital of burns and smoke inhalation after evacuated. > counted arson or any structural defects as the causes of the fire ’Tuesday night. Many spent Tuesday night in an emergency shelter in used for subway a boarding house fire which left one man dead and four a church basem*nt. City officials began working with Tenant Eugene Grover, 51, was discharged from the other people injured. social service agencies Wednesday to find temporary hospital Wednesday. Edna M. Schaefer, age unknown, NEW YORK (UPI) — Connecticut’s new turnpike despite client Fire Chief John Riordan said the state, fire marshal, housing for the burned-out tenants. was transferred out of the intensive care unit at tokens are saving that state’s motorists time and local police, and his department should know by Friday Mayor Michael Cubeta Jr. said the city has “ a moral Middlesex and was reported in satisfactory condition. New York City subway riders money. what caused the two-alarm blaze in the rooming house responsibility’ ’ to coordinate the relocation effort. He Mary K. Hoyer, 47, was in good condition. The new tokens for the Connecticut Turnpike, We Are Proud Again To Be Exclusive CL Distributors used by transients, alcoholics and former mental said he would try to speed up conversion of Shepherd NEW LONDON (UPI) - Hired killer John J. Hall on the Connecticut Valley Hospital grounds as a which were put into use Monday, are almost iden­ McGann’s lawyer says he will ignore his client’s death patients. Walter Booth, captain of the local Salvation Army tical in color and size to the city's subway tokens 'T fs accidental, not arson or anything, ” Riordan said Corps, was treated for smoke inhalation and released. permanent residence for the tenants. wish and appeal the murder conviction which could He said the city still plans to buy and renovate the and they cost a fraction of the price. make McGann the first person sent to the electric chair of Royal Oak Grade A Fresh Turkeys (with Pop-up Timers) Wednesday. He also said the fire was not attributable to The fire in the four-story brick building started in building sometime next year with a portion of a $500,0(X) ’The turnpike tokens, which cost 17Vii cents, have under Connecticut’s 2-year-old capital punishment law. any code violation. Clemons’ second-floor room at the front of the building. been showing up in the subway’s turnstiles for a The victim, John H. Clemons. 40, died at Middlesex Up to 30 residents of the dilapidated structure were S m a ll Cities B l o c k grant. "H e said he's had It,” attorney Robert Casale said Also avalMbfw: Qmnt* Hmnm, Roasting Chicirans, Duoira, Although the building had been cited for numerous week — when they first went on sale — in place of Wednesday at McGann's sentencing hearing. “ His In­ safety code violations in the last year, and at one point the subway tokens which cost 75 cents. structions to me are drop it, drop the whole thing. He Grade A A Butterball Turkeys was condemned, Cubeta said there were no existing With more than 10 million of the Connecticut doesn’t want an appeal.” code violations at the time the fire broke out. tokens in circulation, the city’s ’Transit Authority McGann, 28, was convicted of felony murder by a Beta blockers can increase The building housed a luncheonette, a pool hall and the said the loss in revenue to the subways could be three-judge panel for the Aug. 9, 1981, murder-for-hire ^ I\o Substitute Pentacostal Christian Church office on the first floor. considerable if they begin to flood the system. slaying of Donald C. Burke, 42, killed while he slept in ' We Give Old Fashioned The rooming house was condemned Jan. 4 after in­ TA President John Simpson said the agency was bed in his Niantic home. For Quality considering changing the subway tokens. He said Butcher Service ... heart risk if not given early spectors found water seeping into electrical fixtures. Sentencing has been delayed at least until Friday, Owner Salvatore Rizzo relocated 32 residents while he the city is also considering impounding all Connec­ pending a defense psychiatrist’s report on McGann’s patched the roof, fixed electrical systems and installed ticut tokens it finds in its system— a step that could mental state. The judicial panel said there could be smoke detectors. The condemnation was rescinded Jan. quickly cause a token shortage in Connecticut and more delays If prosecutors seek a second psychiatric STORE HOURS: BOSTON (UPII — Powerful drugs called beta However, mortality rates for men treated with the force that state to change the size of its tokens. blockers, commonly used to prevent heart attacks in drug within four months' of the initial heart attack were 21, and Rizzo was given more time to bring the property opinion. 317 Highland S t patients with coronary heart disease, increased mortali­ 18 percent lower than in men receiving a placebo, the up to stricter fire codes. Casale said he did not feel the possible death sentence Mon. i Tues. 'til 6:00 was justified and indicated he would appeal even though ty rates in men who began treatment more than one studv said. Wed., Thurs., & Fri. ’til 9:00 year after being stricken, medical researchers dis­ rim Fashlons'iAMMkMMMV^ it would “ cause some flak with John.” MANCHESTER closed today. Mortality rates tor men treated with the drug within The last person to be put to death in Connecticut was Sat. & Sunday A team of English doctors said if the beta blocker five to 12 months after the attack were the same as for Joseph “ Mad Dog” Taborsky In 1960. He was convicted 'til 6:00 CONN. oxprenolol is to be effective in preventative further men receiving a placebo, they said. of six murders committed during a series of grocery and drug store holdups. nzen uiTS fjl heart problems, treatment should be started within a few weeks after the first heart attack. “ Oxprenolol reduced the death rate in patients who “ I don’t think anybody wants to die,” Casale said. “ If They conducted a seven-year study in England of 1,103 began taking the drug soon after their infarction (heart Where fashion Is a he (McGann) did, then we would have a hell of an insani­ male heart attack survivors between the ages of 35 and attack), but this trend was reversed in those entered look, not a size. ty defense. I think John Is very afraid of who he is. I 69. The study did not deal with the effects of beta late in the study,” said the team of doctors from Leeds think he's very afraid to hear that.” blockers on women. General Infirmary in Leeds, England. Weekend Speclel Casale said the psychiatric testimony was not meant The findings, published in the New Englanfi Journal of Special Sizes to show McGann was mentally Incompetent but that he ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ llllllU llB l “ The increased mortality in this latter group mainly Medicine, showed a 13 percent higher mortality rate Mixed Bouquet 12V4 to 28<>4 had "som e personality disorders that led to his involve­ occurred late after withdrawal from active treatment,” among those receiving oxprenolol one to seven years or ment in the crime. -- 1 f FRnZFNFROZEIS A- & n4IRY DAIRY ' they said, adding the increased deaths were largely and 36-52 GROCERY SPECIALS after the heart attack than among men receiving a McGann’s fate rests largely on New London County among patients who had stopped taking the drug a year placebo. State’s Attorney C. Robert Sattl and Superior Court PILLraURV — A U VARIETIEE or more before the fatal heart attack. Carnations MRS. SMITH’S ^ A s Judge James M. Higgins, who headed the panel which BREAD MIXES...... PIE S H E LL...... not. 7 8 * convicted McGann Oct. 20. UUIOE EUD IN EHELL A A a Treatment should begin no later than within the first *3 .2 6 a bunch MRS. SMITH’S • 4 n n Governor O'Neill is few weeks after the heart attack, they concluded. DIAMOND WALNUTS...... is<«.88* APPLE or MINCE P IE ...... »».. • 1.3 8 SWEET UPE AA« However, they said the drugs are believed to be ineffec­ CASH & MRS. SMITH’S A A 85 E. C E N TE R S T. APPU JUICE...... s4 «.»8 « off on 5-doy vocation tive when administered within one to three days after CARRY PUMPKIN PIE 4s..^*l.»» OCRAN SPRAY . . A A a the heart attack. 649-5268 FASMOMIU BIRDSEYE > A A . Woman pleads CRANBERRY MOLD...... 98* COOKED SQUASH ...... 3 8 * OATS UPTON o n e HARTFORD (UPII — With the campaign and initial BIRDSEYE a A s action on the state’s next budget behind him, GoV. ONION SOUP...... i«.0 8 * PEAS or CORN ...... i o « .4 8 * TOWN OF MANCHESTER CHICKEN OP THE SEA i W A o guilty to murder BIRDSEYE KAs William O’Neill is off on a five-day vacation. I f M * Larrye deBear, the governor’s press secretary, said LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM CHUNK LIRHT TUNA C AU LIFLO W ER ...... W O’Neill and his wife Nikki left Wednesday to travel out The following streets will be picked up the week beginning November 15,1M2 and again on December 13, 1962. The WATERBURY (UPI) — One of two women accused of m UAllIN DRAUES...... n . a 2 i^ 1 .0 0 BIRDSEYE AAs of state, although they had no specific itinerary. Town will only pick up SAGO ID LEAVES AMP GLASS CUPPIWOS. AStOLUTELY MO M P U M MIXED IN WITH helping plan and carry out the $1.3 million Purolator PEAS A O N IO N S ...... ,...i o « .8 8 * THE L M V iS WILL G B ^ C kE D UP. The Was muit be of the siie that can easily be naadl^ ^ o m and m t^ iint BIROEEVE O a s The governor, who defeated Republican Lewis Rome exceed 60 pounds in weight. The bags must be placed bdiind the curb and away from the place idiere your refuse is dot- robbery murder in 1976 has pleaded guilty to three in the Nov. 2 election to win a full term, plans to return mally placed. The refuse contarctor will NOT pick up bagged leaves during the 8 week leaf program of 10'26-82 thru 12-17' counts of felony murder. , NILEDUNIDNS...... is«.99* ONIONS IN CREAM SAUCE io» 88* 9 t o work Monday, deBear said. O’Neill ha(J said he would 82 DO NOT RAKE LEAVES INTO THE STREET. AM ISWW imiM bew E by 7:00 A.M. McndPy mottling. Evelyn Vega, 29, of Elast Haven, entered the plea BIRDEEVE RED. OR EXTRA CREAMY a A s Adams St. (Center to Middfle rSm I marshmallows ...... 1 S ..0 0 * take a vacation after the election. Deepwood Dr. Harding St. McKee St. Rogers PL Wednesday before Waterbury Superior Court Judge COOL W H IP ...... s ~ .8 8 * Turnpike West) EARLY CAUp*rnIA MEDIUM PITTED A A o O’Neill completed initial work Tuesday on the state Deerfield Dr. Hartford Rd. McKinley St. Roosevelt St. (S0.M" FYank J. Kinney Jr. who set a Jan. 28 sentencing date. HOODS p n « Adams St. South budget for the next fiscal year and ent the $3.62 billion Devon Dr, Hathaway La. Middlefleld St. St. James St.< As a result of the plea bargaining, the woman faces a RIPEOLIWES...... S...99* SOUR C R EA M ...... i . « . 8 8 * Alexander St. SWEET UPS ane Diane Dr. Heather La. Moore St. ' St. J ( ^ St. TROPICANA Wgb package back to his budget chief for additional cuts. Ann St. maximum sentence of 25 years. But defense attorney Division St. Hendee Rd. \ Morse Rd. St. Lawrence St. CHOCOLATE SYRUP...... Lt. Gov. Joseph Fauliso will represent O’Neill during Arch St.' Robert Axelrod said h^ was optimistic bis client would ORANSE JUICE ...... S 4 « ^ *1 .4 8 Dougherty St. Henderson Rd. Myrtle St. Salem Rd. his absence, including Friday’s ceremonies where the Avon St. be given close to the minimum sentence of 10 years and PLEISCHMANN

MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs., Nov. 18, 1982 - 9 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs.. Nov. 18, 1982 Thursday TV f ■

esto decide deshacerse dek’ (29 - MOVIE; T o C te h . T h l.f 3:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. nino pero 'Mama' Dolores, su 9:30 P.M. dD • Madame'e Piece 12:30 A.M. CSD - Jo* Franklin Show An ex-convict and jewel thief (S j _ MOVIE: 'Somowhoro In (3D - Ey«witn»M N«ws negro criada, decide encar- falls in love with a wealthy CSD 51 -lit Takes Two Molly's 5D -; Entertainment Tonight (3D - All In th . Family 33) - MOVIE: 'Caatio of tho garse del babe. Nadia conoce Is mom turns up missing when the tho NlghY An amnaaia victim ve­ (S) - ThrM 't Company American girl and finds he is 52) - ESPN SporteCenter Uvlng Doacr A myttorloua historia hasta que Albertico se hospital orderlies go on strike. (S) - MlMhMi Im ponibl. count who haa ditoovarad a li­ teran returns to civilian Ufa be­ suspected of continuing his old 5 1 ** MOVIE: 'So Fine' A college lieving ha waa pravloualy a C5D CSD @9) - News convierte en doctor y se en- Taxi Louie falls in quid for patrifying living thingt thievery. Cary Grant, Grace (22) (21 - professor becomes a successful (3D - You Aakwi For It recketeer and sets out find to C9D - Buck Rogers 1 vueive con su propia familia. Kelly. Jessie Royce Landis. iova. bacomaa a victim of hit own avil Veronica Castro, Socorro Ave- fashion designer j in thia co­ 33) - Stw Tiok diacovtry. Chrittophtr Lae, tha answer. John Hodlek, (33) ~ Happy Days Again 1955. lar, Humberto Zurita. (21) - V .n a w . medy. Ryan O’Neal, Jack War­ 39 - MOVIE: 'QboM Story' An Gaia Garmanl, Philippa Laroy. Nancy Guild. Lloyd Nolan. - Raggedy Ann and Andy (2D - Prime Newa den, Richard Kiel. Rated R. (33) - Entertainment Tonight 10:00 P.M. unforgiving ghoet returns 60 1861 1946 The two rag dolls set out to res­ (31 (22) (21 - Fame Cpco is discov­ 59 - Feetivel of Faith years after her death to punieh d O r MOVIE: Th e Halan (23) - Prime Navva cue, the kidnapped French doll © ) - Business Report ered by a talen|^scout. (60 min.) CS) (X) - Knot* Landing Chip thoee reepbntible. Fred Astaire, carries on a secret affair whh (21 - Twilight Zone M ^ a n Story' This (Mm daplota Babette. ^ Meivyn Douglee, John House­ (29 - Qunamoke 7:30 P.M. IS I - MOVIE: Tho Baby M .k .K Ciji while using and romancing - Sports Tonight tha matarolc rise and tragic fall 33) ** USA Cartoon Express (2D men. 39 - MOVIE; 'Good RIddanoa' (3D - P.M. Magazine A young woman accepts the job Diana. (60 min.) of tho famad torch alnger. Ann A young daughter', love for her of giving birth to a child by the (22) - Newebenter Blyth, Paul Nawman, Gena 3Sl - Festival of Faith - Newa 59 - Pro Bowlora Tour Cover­ unmarried mother bacomaa (3D - All In the Family husband of a barren wife. Bar­ (3D (21 - Pelicula age of ttie Syracuee Open It Evans. 1957. (29) - Little House ( £ 3 9 - 2 0/2 0 destructive whan her mother (3D - You Asked For It bara Horsey. Scott Gienn. Jean- (29 - Madame'e Place preeented from Syracuee, NY. (S ) - Sports Update (S) - Newswatch nie Berlin. 1970. (2 hrs.) has a series of love affairs. (3) - Family Feud 33) - Indapandant N.twork - Bueinete Report - Newscenter N.W. 5Z) 3:15A.M. (22) (3D - Benny Hill Show ® - Ireland: A Televialon 33) - Monoyllno Updito 2:30 A.M. (S) - MOVIE: The V.I.P.'s' A Hiatory 9 9 - NBA B ..k « b .ll: Danvar 11:30 P.M. 1 13) - CBS Nowa Nlghtwatch - MOVIE: -The Four 5D - N ew s (S ) - Mwlomo'O'Plaoo (29 cross-section of travelers wait (21 - No Empujen at Phoanlx (3D - Hawaii FIve-O 'ilP Horaomon of tho Apooalypao’ overnight in a posh airport 52) - ESPN SportsCenter 39 - Uto Nlglit with DovM Tha tons of a German. father 3 9 - MOVIE; -F in . of Fury' (29 - CNN N .w . (3D - Stareky and Hutch ® - ESPN SportaContar lounge for a fog-delayed flight. -Lottorman David I. Joined by fight for the Nezia and become 51 - Inside the NFL Len Daw­ Bruce Lee is out to avenge his Omro and Pa. VVae Herman. (60 Elizabeth Taylor, Richal-d Bur­ son and Nick Buoniconti (23) - Fraaman Raporta dD - Benny HIM Show 39 - InaWo tho NFL Len Daw­ a power in Paris. Glenn Ford. brother's death and defend the min.) / son and Nick Buoniconti ana- ton, Maggie Smith. 1963. analyze this week's NFL action Kung Fu tradition from destruc­ (22) 39 - Hill Straat Bluat A dD 51 - Nightline Charles Boyer, Lea J. Cobb. and look ahead to next week's cover-up put* Capt. Fiirillo be- lyis this wsok'a NFL action and 1962. \ (3 ) - T.V. Communty College tion.1973. ( S - Racing 1:00A.M> / look ahead to next week's games. tween two mayoral candidates - Sanford and Son (2S) - Reporter 41 (29 - NHL Hockey: Boston at at while LeRue and Washington ^ - Saturday Night Live C3D games. 3:30 A.M. 51 - Sports Look New York Islanders (S) - MOVIE: ''McCloud: The @3) MOVIE; 'Eyewitness' move in on a bogus doctor. (60 (21 - Night^tlery (39 - NBA Baakatball: Donvor ( H - NFL Story: Lino By Lino If (21-S o a p min.) Diapoeel Man' McCloud Is ae- at Phoonix the NFL Players atriko contin­ ,® - M*A*S*H (SZ) - Worid War I (2D - Crossfire (2D - Sports Tonight •igned to protect a wealthy cor­ ues, thia program will be pre­ 8:30 P.M. (29 - MOVIE; 'Ato You In tho (22) S I - Tonight Show Johnny poration head from a hired 33) r Croaafiro ® - 3-2-1, Contact (S)-M‘A-S*H House Alone?* A teenage girl is em pt^ and 'NFL Films' will be (3D - Carol Burnett and Friends is joined by Jerry Lee Lewis. (60 Killer. Dennis Weaver, Patrick (22) - Twilight Zona aired. 6:30 P.M. (21 SZ) - MacNeil-Lehrer marked aa the target for a cam­ min.) O'Neal, Nina Talbot. 1971. paign of terror. Kathleen Belter, - WKRP In Cincinnati Report ( B 5 1 -Star of tho Family Jen­ dD nie leaves home to suffer some Blythe Danner, Tony Bill. 1978. 3 9 - MOViE: 'Atlantic City' A GD - Payohie Phenomena - CBS News (25) - Chiquilladas small-time numbers runner as­ dD hard knocks. S I ~ MacNeil-Lehrer Report (S ) - Mike Douglas People Now 53) - Barney Miller (31 - Madama's Place pires to make the 'big time' in 52) - Top ^ n k Boxing from (21 - 24 Horas Atlantic City. Burt Lancaster, ( S - Entertainment Tonight Channels 5 2 ) - CFL from the 56 Yard Line (31 - Barney Miller Atlantic City: NJ TV (21 - MOVIE: 'Return of the Susan Sarandon, Kate Reid. (21 - Despedida ve got banking (22) (39) - NBC News 3 1 - More Real People 31) - MOVIE; 'Cutter. Way' A Dragon' A country bumpkin^ 1961. 5 1 -F ilm bitter Vietnam veteran draws (23) - Untamed World 8:00 P.M. from Hong Kong's rurel territo­ S I - Twilight Zone WFSB Hartford, CT CS) his wife and his only friend into ries travels to Rome to fight big 1:15A.M. WNEW New York, NY (B (25) - Noticiero Nacionel SIN (3) dD - Magnum. P.l. An aged an obsessive mission to un­ 11:45 P.M. Noticias nacionales con Guil­ city gangsters. Bruce Lee. (21 MOVIE: 'Southern wrestler hires Magnum to find cover a murderer. John Heard, 39 - MOVIE: 'Shoashine' Two ComfoiT Rpokie National WLNE Providence, Rl (B lermo Restrepo. his long lost son. (60 min.) Jeff Bridges, Lisa Eichorn. (SZ) - Masterpieoe Theatre 'To Serve Them All My Days.* While youngsters become involved in Guardjsmen are involved ■ In a WTNH New Haven, CT (X) (33) - Jeffersons 1981. Rated R. c £ - P.M. Magazine David searches for a runaway, a black market operations. Rin- bloody confrontation with the WOR New York, NY ■CB (19)-A B C News (21 - Noche de Gala policeman arrives with news of aldo Smordini, Franco Inter- Cajun natives. Keith Carradine, dD ^ - Joenie Loves Chachi lenghi. 1947. (D) (57) - Over Easy Joanie and Chachi are caught (2Z) - Wild America 'At the a tragfc accident. (60 min.) Powers Boothe. Rated R WPIX New York, NY by Al and Louisa at a banned Crossroads.' Wildlife's struggle [Closed Captioned] 12:00 A.M. ' 1:30 A.M. ESPN Sports Network 92l 7:00 P.M. French art film. for survival in modern America 10:30 P.M. dD - Quincy 3 D - Carter Country HBO Home Box Office (B) (3D - CBS News ® - MOVIE; ’M o ritu ri’ A Gar- is examined. dD - Sports Legends dD 51 - U s t Word CSD - Hogan's Heroes USA USA Network (SI (3D (21 - m-a*3‘h man masquerading as a Swiss 9:00 P.M. that newer quhs (5 ) - Muppet Show is black-m ailed into aiding in 5D - Metropolitan Report (3D - Pitfall 53) - Independent Network WHCT Hartford, CT the capture of a German cargd (3D dD - Simon & Simon Newt (3D \ ABC Nows ( ^ - All Night Radio An all- 52) - Auto Racing '62: U8AC WTXX Waterbury, CT (a ^hip. Marlon Brando, Yul Bryn- (3D - The Merv Show night radio station is humo­ Stocks from Springfield. IL (21 S I - NBC Nows Overnight (3D - Soap - ‘ ner, Trevor Howard. 1965. CNN Cable News Ntwrk (2S dD 5 1 - Too Close For rously profiled. (S ) - MOVIE: 'Bordartown' A (21 - MOVIE: 'Love and Money* 53) - Jeffersons (O) - MOVIE: ‘M.liogan/ A Comfort Monroe finds the girl (21 - Alfred Hitchco*ck disbarred lawyer drifts to a An American banker falls in WWLP Springfield, MA . (S) young black woman rises from (32) - ESPN’s Sportsforum of his dreams. (S ) - Bueineea Report rough bordertown and* be­ love with the wife of an interna­ CINEMAX Cinemex S3 the depths of the ghetto to inter­ comes involved with a casino tional silver tycoon. Ray Shar­ 51 - Are You Anybody? national fame as a fashion mo­ 5 1 - OneK>n-One WaterskI S9 - Independent Network WEDH Hertford, CT (231 Jumping Championship owner, his ambitious wife and key, Ornella Muti, Klaus Kinski. (29) (31 - A lice' del. Diana Ross, Anthony News murder. Paul Muni, Bette Davis, WXTV Peterson, NJ 129 (2D - Moneyline Perkins, Billy Dee Williams. 5 9 - AM Service Revelation Margaret Lindsay, 1935. VWIT a 1976. 2:00 A.M. Hertford, CT (22) ~ Newscenter (S ) (2 1 -Cheers Diane realizes 10:45 P.M. (2D - News O - NFL Story: Un. By Un. If Carla has made a fool of her by (3D - CBS Naws Nlghtwatch SPOTLIGHT Spotlight a (21 - To Be Announoed (21 - Reporter 41 the NFL Players strike contin­ leading her to believe a lie (29 - MOVIE: 'Playmates' Two (3D - MOVIE; 'SIncaraly Your*' WSBK Boston, MA a because we got (25) - El Oerecho de Nacer Te­ ues, this program will be pre­ about Sam. 11:00 P.M, divorced men who have be­ A concert pianist brings happi­ WGGB Springfield, MA a lenovela en la cual Maria Elena empted and 'NFL Films' will be (21 - People's Caucus (3D - Eyewitness News come friends begin secretly dat­ ness to many empty lives and del Munco da a luz un hijo ilegi- aired. ing each other's ex-wife. Alan finds happiness for himself. Ub- WGBY Springfield, MA (82) ( 0 - Undersea World of (3D-m*a*s-h tim o Su padrs al enterarse de (H - USA Presents Alda. Barbara Feldon, Doug erace, Joanne Dru, Dorothy Me Jacques Cousteau dD CSD S I 51 - News McClure. 1972. lone, Alex Nicol. 1955.

THl$ M L'$r THE LUQAfZie VEPJ^lON OF THE OEAP END K IP ^ . BRIDGE ASTBO-SIMPH Prof’s wisdom shines Bernice Bede Osol

explained to the student, you only stop one trick short of < V b u r game when you think you NORTH ii-ie-Bi are already too high. ^Birthday 49S He won the heart lead in N VKQ4 his own hand and noted he Novnmbar 19,19B2 ♦ A765.2 had just six immediate Projects or antarpriaas which ♦ 10 8 7 winners and that he could you o(>erate frae from outside EAST get two more with a 3-3 dia- Influence' should work out auo mood bm k (. -S6 pwoent cesahilly for you this coming VJ 10982 chance) or flndlnj; at least year. Try to be your own per­ I'M GLAD rSEE OOOLA AND l! SHE NAMEIS STRETCH LAABOD, .10 4 ♦ QJ9 one club honor with East (a son as much as possible. VOU.TCXD, GUZ! JLIST WENT TRAIPSING AND HE'S DRIVING US ♦ Q4 ♦ K6S 76 Mrcent chance). SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 23) NOW TELL ME OFF WITH HIM TO BANANAS WITH THOSE He started by attacking You have the ability today to o SOMETHING., SOUTH SOME KINDA FIT­ RTNESS CLASSES OF HIS.' diamonds after winning the channel your thoughts Into NESS CLASS, ♦ QJ72 You’ve got banking at the banking convenience. But VA73 first trick with his ace of positive, productive actions. Focus your attention on impor­ ♦ K8 hearts. He chucked a spade tant matters which you'd like to touch of a button, night or remember, you must have an ♦ AJ92 on the third diamond and noted that West also jetti­ tilt In your favor. Find out more day and aii year’round— activated Eagle 24 Card to have banking of what lies ahead for you In Vulnerable: Neither soned one. Dealer; South the year following your birthday because now you have access that never quits. E:ast led a second heart. by sending for your copy of Weal North EasI South The P ro fe ss o r was in Astro-Graph. Send $t to to First Federai’s fleet of total 1 NT dummy. He could set up one Astro-Graph, Box 489, Radio Paas 2 NT Pass diamond at this time and City Station. N.Y. 1(X>t9. Be tellers, Eagle 24. ^ Our fleet of total tellers is ready for you. Pass come out one trick short, so sure to specify birth date. V We’ve installed four brand new he led dummy’s seven of SAQITTARtUS (Nov. 234>oc. Chances are there’s an Eagle 24 location near where clubs and let it ride to West's 21) There'S a possibility you Eagle 24 tellers to give you the easy, quick and con­ Opening lead: VJ queen. West led another could be privy to some confi­ you live, work or shop. That means that you can have heart to set up two heart dential Information today which TOi^AV le THE' 6TH MV PAP SAIP HE'S HE TRIEP IT LAST LIKE, THIS VEAR, may be materially beneficial. fidential banking freedom your busy life requires. Now AfvlNUAL GREAT tricks, but night had fallen the quick banking freedom you’vT always wanted, GONG TD TRV TO VEAR ANP WE Al I M O M A N P I on the defense. K e ^ your ears perked for tips. you’ve got banking that’s as simple as pressing a few AMERICAN 5AAOKE OUT! GIVE UP CIGARETTES LEARNEP A LOT. a CAPRICORN (Deo. 22-Jan. 19) ARE STAVING AT By Oswald Jacoby Dummy’s Il8 of clubs was now that Eagle 24 is on the scene. Look for Eagle 24 FOR 24 HOURS. A/VOTEL. led and allowed to ride. It You should be very good today buttons whenever you need cash or want to make and Jamei Jacoby at heading up committees or held. The eight of clubs signs and tellers at the following First Federal office special groups organized lor a deposits, withdrefwais, payments or transfer funds The Professor hates to came next and the Professor specific purpose. If you're locations: stop at two no-trump. He scored his jack and ace for offered the chairperson's role, between your accounts. wanted to go on to game, but his seventh and eighth tricks ta k e it. could find no excuse for a and his part-score contract. AOUAMUS (Jan. 204M>. 19) Now that you’ve got Eagle 24, you’ve got banking Silver Lane — East Hartford further bid. As he had (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) In matters which call for strate­ 842 Silver Lane, East Hartford 568-7137 gy today, you're likely to be a ^hat never quits. Ever! ^ few steps ahead of your peers. Glastonbury i Use your Instincts to anticipate the opposition's moves. 2510 Main Street, Glastonbury 633-9423 PISCES (Fab. 204l4arch 20) Let us introduce you to Eagle 24. Try to take measures today to bring closer to realization Our automatic tellers (ATM’s) are installed and Tri-CIty Plaza — Vernon Circle something Important tor vyhich Tri-City Plaza, Vernon 871-2700 ACROSS' 3 European Answer to Pravioui Puzzle you are planning. There are we’re ready to show you how easy — and fun — it is thark ways your timetable can be 1 Make laca 4 Gagman advanced. to bank with Eagle 24. Let us introduce you*to banking Manchester Parkade 4 Tease 5 Gallery ARIES (March 21-AprH 19) Be that never quits. 344 Middle Tnpk W, Manchester 646-8300 8 Actor Farrar hanging prepared to exert a second 12 Spaniah gold 6 One who feels TyI effort today In order to fulfill Stop in at any one of our 8 offices to apply for an 13 One (Gar.) superior PrT your ambitidns. You can realize □DDD DDDia CIEID 14 This (Sp.) 7 Foot part (pl.) them If your determination Is Eagle 24 Card. Or visit any one of the four Eagle 24 Now that you’ve got Eagle 24, you’ve got banking 15 Strike lightly □ □ □ □ iDcintnincijC] strong enough. 8 Water barrieri □□nciDa DDo 16 Blackthorn 9 Safety agency TAURUS (April 20-May 20) that never quits! Come in forademonstration, and see fru it □13 □□□□ CliBn locations listed for a demonstration. We’ll be glad (abbr.) □□ □□□□□ □□ When dealing with associates 17 Ergo 10 Daze I on important Issues today, to introduce anyone and everyone to Eagle 24 how easy, and convenient, it is to bank with Eagle 24. 18 Frozen [pin □ 11 Direction aoG icinn ■ □ □□ □□ i:] some adjustments and com­ 20 O ffaniivtly ob- 19 Conclude promises may be necessary. irufive (□□□□□□■□□El 21 Oog group □ □ □ □ □ ^ □ □ ^ Give-and-take will bring alt into 22 Born (abbr.) balance. 24 Engage in 23 Long time 35 Pacific island 51 Wild goat OEMNN (May 21-Jun*. 20) wintar sport 38 Rapture Even difficult tasks should go 25 Candy 26 Barbarian 52 Evening in 26 Animal w a it* 40 Boaoini smoothly today if you use .your 29 Oesiit lu ly mind as well as your muscles. 8K? R(tRDOM,'*)OeA\/E lOWTCDMJ'nMlM&Aeoor 400 SHOOLD BE. SDO 5H0KT- OOA5IONAUV, 33 M in* prOSuct chemical 43 Tint 27 Thaw 54 Invitation ra- Think of ways to lessen your MeiMewRoHfcotAnee. ■WAT M0W,„S(D0SCU-P've „CHAMbE0'ibW«ELF$5. iwuoioe. 34 Cozy 48 Ganatic bu rd e n s. 36 Cut with 28 Faabla material apons* (abbr.) 30 King CANCER (June 31-July 22) CALLED IT ID V^/AT^BNT^0U s c itto ri (abbr.) 65 Amarican M ongkut't Your secret for getting along N o O ... 37 Diitant 47 Rinsing today Is your abUIty to under­ AT THE TIME (prefix) tutor patriot 31 Shout with 49 Frsaia* stand what motivates others. .■SDRRV 39 Rebuff s i Ordsrty You'll treat seriously what's 41 Compait i«y 50 Away from 32 Smalliword th * wind 59 Lap knportanf to them. point LEO (July 2S-Aug. 22) Much 42 Emarg* from (i .. o , I 2 3 4 t t 7 t • to n can be accomplished today In an *gg areas where your desire le to 44 Fabric 12 t3 14 m ttaur* do lor others aa wall as for yourself. Make being o f servloa 46 South (FrJ It It 17. - your paramount drivs. 48 Mat** (Aug. 2»4upt 22) 49 Spat* It it CD Inataad of standing on tha ■ S3 Bibtic*l priest aldallnss, personally taka 87 Island near 22 Corsica ■ charge of situations t^ay 2t 3t 27 >0 31 32 which you fsel are not bshtg 11i8 Engfe ciiMiig banks* AAAVBE CHKS ...ORAVAVESe ...IF 68 Electric fiah r ■ 1 conducted properly. WAScSNAWIN^ so Famal* tp in t W E'VE o o r e N E E Z E , 32 UBRA (M pl. & «cl. 26) ON IT WHILE r TERMITES. I'M A (abbr.) ■ 1 ■ 61 Oraga Stand up for your rights today W/«(S ASLEEP.. ALL. r KNOW >7 62 Sand In aMuaUotis anaoUng your salL IS... ■ 1 ■ bMaraata or llioaa of your fami­ 63 By way of 43 « 84 Enticiitig ■ 1 ly. You can gut your tarma H 65 Gum* 4 « you a tilfsn your backbone a bn. 66 Tim* ton* ■ (NewsFAFen aNTaRFfaaa ASSN.) (•bbf.) 4t t o tt • 4 u t T ■ 17 M H • 0 Oklahoma bacame a state Flist Federal Savings a ^ io l i r i i DOWN in 1606 with the m ergliig of t3 • . 'East Hartford, Glastonbury, South Glastonbury, Manchester, Vernon, Rockville and South Windsor - Wd: 1 KIdf It It the fonner Indian Territory 2 Sa* in Cantral i t " N M ^ and the Oklahema TW rIto- Aaia J l r y 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs., Nov. 18, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurs., Nov. 18. 1982 - 1 1_ I 1 Obituaries Republicans assess election;

ChariM J. TanntladI granddaughter, Chelsea Hastings Joyner takes blame for loss Family , Charles J. Tennstedt, 90, of 64 Del- Hough in California. mont St., died early this morning. Funeral services and burial will “ miracle” to avoid new or He was the husband of Mae (Han­ be private, in Orange Cemetery, By Richard Cody point the about 25 attending plan to raise personal increased taxes in order to non) Tennstedt. Orange. The Holmes Funeral Home, Herald Reporter town committee members .donations for the com­ H ^ was born May 25, 1892 in 400 Main St., Manchester, has rose to applaud Joyner. mittee to be used in cam­ make up for an expected Rockville and had been a resident of charge of arrangements. There will Walter Joyner, the in­ Committee Chairman paigning for next year’s $298 million deficit. Manchester since 1938. Before be a memorial service Saturday at 3 cumbent ousted from the Curtis M. Smith, in municipal elections. “ He is either incompe- ' retiring he had been part owner and p.m. at Talcottville Congregational 12th Assembly District in reviewing the election, He said rather than tent,, as Lew Rome said employee of the former Tennstedt- Church. There are no calling hours. the past election, received said, “ There was one sur­ soliciting such donations in during the campaign, or Brendel Co. in Rockville, He had Memoriai contributions may be a standing ovation from his prising loss,” meaning the fall, he wants to push In lying,” Zinsser said. He been a lifelong member of the made to the Memorial Fund of fellow Manchester Joyner’s, "but in general, the spring. He said the way implied that O’Neill may Rockville Lodge of Elks and also Talcottville Congregational Church Republicans Wednesday we did well. We knew we it’s done right now, “ We go back on his word that he had belonged to several other or to a charity of the donor's choice. after apologizing and had a |tough battle. are in direct competition would not support a State Rockville social clubs. taking ‘Tull responsibility” (Democratic Town Com­ with the candidates.” income tax or that he Kick the habit; • for his loss. He said he thinks the wouldn’t reinstitute the un­ % Besides his wife he leaves a son, Frank Muzikavik mittee Chairman) Ted harles R. Tennstedt of New Ca- His remarks came amid Cummings said in the new- committee can raise $4,(X)0 incorporated business tax. SOUTH WINDSOR - Frank n^n; a daughter. Mrs. Ruth a general discussion by paper he was surprised at this way, which would be Committee member dnd Muzikevik, 95, of 1010 Avery St., Hingkeldey of Middletown; five members of the town com­ the outcome. We did twice more than was state Republican Com­ died Wednesday at Manchester grandchildren; and four great­ mittee about what went j^peasonably w ell.” raised by this method for mittee member Nathan Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ grandchildren. right or wrong from the Republican Sen. Carl A. the last municipal election. Agostinelli said band of the late Anna (Snelus) The 'Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Republican standpoint Zinsser recaptured his seat “We’ll have a good war Republican leaders at­ I Muzikevik and the father of John F. Main St., Manchester, has charge of during the past election. over a tough competitor. chest to work with,” he tributed Rom e’s loss large­ David Nichols, Muzikevik of Manchester. funeral arrangements which are in­ Joyner, a two-term in­ Democrat- Mayor Stephen said. ly to polls published by the He was born in Lithuania Feb. 5, complete. Memorial donations may cumbent, lost to Democrat T. Penny. Incumbent Rep. Zinsser, in addressing Hartford Courant showing 1887 and had been a resident of South be made to the Manchester Director James Elsie “ Biz” Swensson, the gathering, took the op­ the challenger down by a 50, accountant Windsor for more than 70 years. tle green spearmint candies with sugar on them.!’ Memorial Hospital Building Fund. McCavanagh in a narrow meanwhile, held off portunity to criticize-Gov. large amount at one point, By Susan Plese Before retiring he owned and He also discovered he never cared to smoke when David K. Nichols, 50, of 74 Arnott tally. At a Republican Democrat Jack ’Thompson. William A. O’Neill. He im­ more than 20 points. Herald Repolier operated the Frank Muzikevik and he was lying down or taking a shower. ” So the first lioad, died Wednesday at Mr*. Mabel P. Haating* Town Committee meeting Smith said by looking at plied that O’l'ieill is begin­ He said when Rome Sons tobacco and potato farm in Cold turkey — it’s the only way to go. And Nathan month I was lying down a lot and taking a lot of Manchester Memorial Hospital, He Mrs. Mabel (Parritt) Hastings of Wednesday, Joyner ad­ the results by district, “ we ning to show signs of going reeeived most of the state’s South Windsor. He was the oldest Agostinelli, president of Manchester State Bank, was the husband of Jacqueline 22 South St., Vernon, died dressed the race, speaking pulled stronger in the back on his campaign newpapers’ endorsem*nts, showers,” he says. living member of the Rockville isn’t talking about ’Thanksgiving leftovers. He cautions smokers, however, that "there is no '■licnnetn Nichols Wednesday at an area convalescent briefly but concisely. Democratic districts and promises, and showing in­ contributions were rolling , Lodge of Elks, and was a member of Agostinelli, a member of the board of directors of such thing as having just one” after the decision He was born in Manchester on home. She was the wife of the late "I must assume full not as well in Republican competence. in. But after each time the the Lithuania Club of Manchester the American Cancer Society Manchester unit, is has come to quit. u March 111, |932, and had been a Charles F. Hastings and the mother responsibility for my districts. We’re still “ You can tell the elec­ Courant published a poll, and St. Margaret Mary Church of chairman of today’s "'Great An^rican Smokeout. “ Once you quit, you quit,” he says. “ It’s like an lifelong resident At the time of his of Doris (Belding) Gorsch of defeat,” he said. “ I must looking at the numbers and tion is'over,” Zinsser said. which proved to be inac­ South Windsor. The goal of the annual Cancer Society event is to alcoholic. A former smoker can’t have 'tnat one death he was a self-employed cer­ Manchester. admit there never-iwas a I think we can use those ' “ Bill O’Neill just found out curate in the end, he said, He also leaves a daughter, Sophie get smokers to kick the habit for just one day — in tified public accountant and had She was born in New Haven Nov. 100 percent effort on my numbers to help us at the there’s a deficit.” The the contribution level cigarette.” Muzikevik, with whom he made his the hopes that they might throw away their Agostinelli says he’s glad he quit smoking when been a financial consultant for the 16, 1888. Before moving to Vernon part. I took the race too next election.” governor said earlier this dropped because people she had lived in Manchester for 38 home; and two grandchildren. matches, lighters and cigarettes fotever. he did. past two years. Before that he was lightly and was over­ He also - unveiled a new week it would take a didn’t want to back a loser. 8 years. She was a member of Talcott- Funeral services will be Saturday "It’s one of the filthiest andjnost offensive habits associated with liydall Inc. for more confident.” AND TIIKRF, ARE good reasons why Agostinelli ville Congregational Church and at 8 a.m, at the Holmes Funeral a |)erson can have. You burn your clothes, stink up than 10 years, serving as company He said his job took some was tapped to lead the Manchester effort. He is an Hope Chapter 60, Order of Eastern Home, 400 Main St., Manchester houses and cars. Every place you do it you seem to treasurer and corporate controller. time away from cam­ ex-smoker, who had been lighting up three packs a Star of Ellington. with a mass of Christian burial at 9 be bothering someone.” Before that he had been a partner in paigning, but he didn’t day for more than 20 years. He quit cold turkey nine She also leaves a sister, Mrs. a.m. at St. Margaret Mary Church. the firm of Sidney Roller and Co., offer that as an excuse. “ I years ago. lU i r T H E BENEFITS of quitting are more than Alice Clift of Belmont, Mass, and Burial w ill be in St. Catherine \ I'I’As, of Hartford He was a don't want to get into “ It probably was one of the most difficult things I social for Agostinelli. “ I feel unbelievably better,” two granddaughters, Mrs, Linda Cemetery in Broad Brook. Friends veteran of the Korean Conflict, ser­ that," he said. “ Let’s ever did in my life,” he says. “ I enjoyed smoking.” he says. “ I ’m breathing better and food tastes Lyncheski and Mrs. Everis Hough, may call at the funeral home Friday [Ad d a link" ving in the U.S. Navy. rebuild and recapture the But he quit when he finally began to realize what better. Everything about me is better.” both of California, and a great- from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. lie was a graduate of Bryant seat next tim e.” At this tar and nicotine were doing to him. “ 1 put on a few pounds and took them o ff,” he (aillege. Providence. R.I.. with a DIAMOND “ A smoker doesn’t quit because of cost or siiys. People who express fears about their weight bachelor degree in accounting. He NECKLACE because of what could happen to him, though he really don’t want to quit, he says. was a member of the American thinks about that. He quits when it takes a toll on Agostinelli suggests that people who want to quit Institute and the Connecticut Socie­ Shoor Jewelers closing his body,” he says. . should pick a date, rather than just saying they will ty of CPAs, a charter member .of Agostinelli had a constant hacking cough. ” I had quit “ tomorrow.” Friendship Lodge of Masons, the E a ^ a 15 minute routine of coughing and gagging in the The right time is important — don’t try to quit Connecticut Valiey of Norwich 32nd CoiiliniK'd from pugt* 1, according to Creighton Shoor. Both they and morning — then I ’d go and light up a cigarette,” he just before a big event or a special party, he-ad­ degrei' Scottish Rite Bodies, and a the store's three part-time employees chose to From a modest says. vises. ago when the son of a former employee, Elizabeth to give... member of Sphinx Temple of Hart­ work on until the store officially closes at the end of beginning to an When he finally became uneasy about smoking’s if people smoke in Agostinelli’s house, he turns on ford Gauthier, was shot dead on the sidewalk in front of the year, he said. exquisite diamond easy to ow n... effects, he quit, and it took him a full year to get the an air filtering machine purchased ju stfor that pur­ He was also a past president of the shop entrance. Alan Shoor, who lives in Newington, and necklace you actually urge to smoke out of his system. pose. Omar Shrine Club of Manchester, " I t happened about 1 or 2 p.m . . . I remember Creighton Shoor, a West Hartford resident, say beautiful watch your love grow “ You have withdrawal symptoms,” he says, "And I don’t like people smoking in my car. They the Washington .Social Club and was hearing the shots.” said Alan Shoor. “ We had to their only regret in closing shop is having to say as you add links for “ You get up in the morning very tight. You want it got the ashtrays dirty,” he says. a former member of the Manchester close up for the rest of the day because the police goodbye to Manchester. “ 'The downtown has been to wear. special occasions. so bad you can taste it.. After a few days it’s Manchester State Bank distributed a notice ■Rotary Club used the store to interrogate witnesses.” pretty good to us,” said Creighton. "We'll miss our m a gn ifi^ in your mind how good it tasted.” Wednesday in all employees’ paychecks. Besides his wife he leaves a son, The murderer, a friend of the victim, was cap­ friends.” t ’The temptation lessened for Agostinelli with each Employees were encouraged to quit for the Great .lames P. Nichols, at home; his tured by state police after a witness identified his passing day. “ If you can get by that one minute of Above: 5 elegantly set diamonds in tailored style links American smokeout. lather. Arthur L. Nichols of car's license plate number. temptation —that’s how long it lasts —you can con­ with a box linkchain. 14k yellow gold. $995. And if bank workers do smoke today? ’‘’They’ll go Manchester; and a sister. Mrs Earl Print and electronic media representatives quer it. But it’s a daily thing,” he says. Fire Calls outside.” he says. Normally, bank employees are N 'Diane' Doggart of Ellington. deluged Shoor's after the incident, even calling the Surprisingly, Agostinelli carried a full pack of permitted to smoke only in the bank's employee Funeral services will be Friday at brothers at home to learn more details. cigarettes around with him during his first few lounge, and at their stations after the bank closes. 11 a 111 from the Holmes Funeral "The murder had nothing to do with us, ac­ Fesps months of abstinence. He did it, he'says, to prove he Home, 400 Main SI. Burial will be at tually,” said Alan Shoor. Nor did it hurt the store's Tolland County The. veteran of nine smokeless years is a bit sur- wasn’t weak in the face of temptation. He wanted to , iwtsedet wtiatww*er»*»%»Uw«iee»weB.thoe^t» the convenience of . the family. business, he said, although “ for weeks later, people Wednesday, 3:08 p.m. —Ambulance call, Lowell n ih t the urge, even when the ■mokes w ere wtthln Trusted Jewelers Since 1900 was once among their ranks. Friends may call at the funeral would-stop to.look at the bloodstains on the Lane, Coventry. (South Coventry) easy arm ’s reach. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Herqid ohoto by Pinto ” I've seen people turn blue, and still light up,” he hoiiK' today from 7 to J p.m. sidewalk " o Wednesday, 9:50 p.m. —Ambulance call, Fiano’s Hanford • New Britain • Weslfarms Man H U T HE ALSO carried a lot of candy and gum to says. “ You watch a real smoker suck in all tha( Meidorial contributions may be 'The brothers have other, less ghastly reminisces . Restaurant, Route 44A, Bolton. (Bolton and Ame«ss Michads Cbetge ward o ff nicotine fits. “ Sugar took the edge o ff,” he smoke, and very little comes out. It has to'do an aw­ made to Shriner's Children's like the time they sold a diamong engagement Manchester ambulance) NATHAN AGOSTINELLI KICKED THE HABIT NINE YEARS AGO says. His personal sugared favorites were “ those lit­ ful job on your body.” Hospital, 5Ifi Carew St., Springfield, ring by t andlelight to a young couple during the ice Wednesday, 11:58 p.m. —Automobile accident, . . . former smoker chairman of today’s Smokeout Mass (11104. storm of 1973, which wiped out lights and,heat in Boston Hill Road, Andover. (Andover) Manchester for days. Loudly squeaking carls are prized ■'We worked in overcoats and gloves that day.” says Creighton Shorr. in Thailand Villagers believe the The oldest living trees on Earth are believed to be The Shoors say they've been thinking about noise scares off wild animals and a stand of Bristlecone Pine in California’s Inyo retiring for the past two years. Earlier this year evil spirits. National Park, estimated to be 4,600 years old. they decided upon it firmly, and limed their going- Beau passes his hunting finals out-of-business sale with the prq-Christmas buying V season. ’“ Now you know Measurements of the gaseous element argon in After the second bird, he really got the hang of it. He The store's two full-time employees, Jean East­ W e’re o ff the walls! W e’ve got a dog in our house that rocks provide scientists with the raw figures knew why he was out there. He moved out in front of us, • Mil kev Roonev's real name is Joe man of Manchester and Betty Ann Diebolt of Ver­ is shaping up to be a first class bird dog. needed to date things as old as 4,5(K) million years, quartering, not ranging too far, learning what to do just Viib' non, learned about a month ago that the store would Took Beau out on his first real hunt In Tom Quinn’s the estimated age of the Earth. $50 by each brush and experience with a pheasant. game preserve and he worked out fine. Jo e's W orld He doesn’t have the class that some of Tom ’s and Readers will recall that once a year Doug Ingram of Bill’s German shorthairs have, nor the dramatic freeze ’Vernon, Frank Horton of Manchester and yours truly on point in mid stride, but he learned well enough to enjoy a good day’s hunt for pheasants at Quinn’s place in Smith sees 'sham' Joe GariYian- ^ retrieve all the birds we shot but one. Happy Thanksgiving REBATE Eastford. We didn’t work him all day. About one hour and a half For a successful Thanksgiving a sincere ap> THIS YEAR WAS'particularly exciting for me, in the A.M. and about an hour in the P.M. In between in Bennet housing preslatlon for all wo h av^— a most happy get . because It was going to be Beau’s graduation from times, we shot over some great German shorthairs that together with flowers & plants from From Mattel Junior High to High School. After working with him all performed admirably. summer under Tom ’s and Bill AsplnaU’s excellent ground scent, and when coming up on a bird, w ill “ flash ■ I have to brag a little. Beau pulled off a very nice ' point” and then move in on the bird, causing it to take Republican ’ Town Committee Chairman Curtis M. On Matters'^ Intellivision TV Video Game supervision, I would see at last what Beau had retained piece of dog work at the end of the afternoon. I|e had put Smith Wednesday attacked the plan to convert the and how much natural ability he had. wing, and then hopefully retrieve it after it has ^ n up a bird, one of us shot it, and it landed in a tree, with Bennet .lunior High School into housing for the elderly, Beau is a yellow Lab. ’The breed is trained primarily downed. the big “ Yeller” bounding after the bird toward the calling it a ' .sham. " o c f lo H if Generally, when working over a dog that points, one tree. ’The bird had been hit, and right after landing for shooting and hunting over water. Ducks and geese Smith's remarks came during a Republican Town shot from blinds are to be returned to the hunter by the has time to reach the dog and flush the bird, allowing toppled out of the tree just before Beau arrived at its Special the gunner to get set. When hunting over a flu ^ dog, the Com.nittee meeting He said the Democratic leadership Labs after being downed. base. I blew my whistle for him to retrieve the bird and has not taken a "business approach to this project,” Fresh cut After being trained to swim by Tom (a very traumatic hunter has to keep up with the dog, and get to know when “ fetch” it back to me. charging that the backers are trying to ram it through experience . . . not for the dog, but for his master) Beau he is hot on the scent of the bird, so that when the bird NO DOC. No bird. I blew again. Still zilch. “ The bird without looking at alternatives. turned into a great water retriever. However, ^ e did leaves the ground he is ready for it. (As ready as he can Chrysanthemum hit the ground and. ran” was Tom ’s judgment as we all ■'They brought it up in the heat of the campaign,” tie work to train him for upland game birds such as phea­ be under those circ*mstances.) ran to the base of the tree. Still no dog or bird. said They haven't looked at other alternati'ves, or straight or sant, grquse, and woodco*ck. F O R T U N A T E L Y FO R US quite early on, Beau ilone feasibility studies for that building or any others. If Down below us about 200 feet in the beginnings of a mixed colors Labradors are not pointing dogs, although I ha^p showed us “ flash pointd” and then he moved in like an swamp, we hear a thrashing and then “ his nibs” comes I did something like that on my job. I ’d be fired.” heard of some that have been known to do t6ls. ’They are express train. In fact, in two instances he knock^ Bill He said the plan should be sent to a blue-ribbon com­ into view, big co*ck pheasant in his mouth. At the sound 3 bunfettei/BCTB" Reg. 4. flush dogs. In other words, they do not come to the Aspinall and Doug Ingram over, trying to get'to the of the whistle, he came up the hill and handed me the mittee comprising town officials and their residents. Qtassical point that one sees in pictures of setters, birds when they left the ground. Eight pounds of dog hit­ bird on command, (albeit reluctantly) " I f they’re going to make housing for the'elderly, then pointers, shorthairs etc. ’There is no frozen tableguSvlth Sieffert's: Your Net. ting you like that, and you know it. ^ " ’That’s what it’s all about. ’That’s what two nights a we should-make it affordable. Right now, we’re giving tail rigid and extended, body frozen, one paw in the air, Cost After ' During Beau’s first tangle with a pheasant, he showed week, hard training and every night’4 intermediate thepi nothing more than they can get on the open Potted For Thanksglving-QMng Sale price and the dog zeroed in oh the bird. *189 Factory Rebate a little hesitation, but tbra he knew what he was sup­ training does. He’s worth more than money can buy.” BEAU OUT ON HIS FIRST ’REAL’ HUNT market, ” he said. A good l^ b , when worked at upland birds, will cover posed to do and be did it well — considering that be is — perfect hostess gifts— Less ’This from Tom . . . and I heartily agree. . . . Labrador reLi iever performed well He said the proposed rent for the housing is no better inteihviiion* OplivBri•139 on k^tprBced*nt«0 level of ofoyer irtvolve- grounds, nose working, checking both wind currents and still a pup. than any other apartment He implied that the housing Chrysanth«mumsitafl.*.H...... 8.95 Cyclamen...... 7.95 meni wiih p soecioifv detigned ’ Moifor Componenf ftipi mokes .*50 this on extremely versoiiie gom# yryt inieihvt$»on* olferi o wtde I should be made more affordable. Under the current Relger Begoniaedargo ...... 7.95 Violets*'' poi...... ,3.59 Factory Rebate fonge oi fiv.iis from the exetement of orvme fieia soortmo •vents lo the out-of tfus worid choilengdof a baffle in outer spoce plan, rent would be belween $400 and $500 an apartment. "We re not against housing for the elderly, but it’s Christmas Cactirw po«...... 11.95 Kalenchoe*- pot...... 2.89 been a sham the way it’s been presented,” he said. Christmas Peppers d«s* pod ... 3.39 Poinsettias*’ pot...... 2.44 JILL CARTRDGES A press conference has been set for 3 p.m, Friday to M STOCK AT First make mistakes, then read directions announce details of the financing plan for the Bennet OUR COST! HERTS PROOEI conversion. —HOLIDAY HINTS—

VIO^-CARV *UTC e*ct with the controls before I read Decorated Rustic Logs and Pots Elarly next year I'm going to take would be a good time to get familiar winter in it driving Into the city one bathtub full of water. WICIC CMT-*D«0fl8«1tLC anything about it. If I do read the Balsam Greens Balsam Wreathe VIDCC-CMT TCMMIS a week off and read the directions with reading directions because day. This summer I drove It with it They warn you against some very Two face charges « IO IC -C * e f Uk » R t lM directions about something before I Cone WrsMhS AMflelal Wrsathe ktOrr-CMT SCA B»tlLC for all the things I ’ve bought that with Christmas coming. I’ll on a hot day and fussed with the con­ obvious things. Most of us know by v ic ic -C M T Boning A n d y know a single thing about it, I get so VIOCC-CAPT rOOIBPtl came with the warning "Read probably be getting more. Last trols the whole hour trying to get the now that you don’t put a toaster in A domestic di pute at a Bissell Street home ended in Dried Arrangements Cones—Frai^ Etc. VIOCrCAAT-SPPCf BAIILT discouraged I give up. If, on the VIOCC-CMT PBP BOWLIHe directions carefully before Christmas my kids gave me a new air conditioning to work. That night the dishwasher and that you *\ k ’ [ R o o n e y other hand, I bumble along making the arrest of a Manchester woman and a Hartford man vroic cpar smppu I complained to my wife ahoyt how shouldn’t drop the 'television set spacc apmpcp operating.” camera. I've shot 10 rolls of film on drug charges Saturday. viecc cpav mistakes, confident that I can viecc <*Bt iPiPte PCTioh There’s no sense reading direc­ with it and I ’ve madp about all the complicated the controls were. I when you’re bringing it in the house. Police said they were alerted to the dispute by Dutch Bulbs — All Reduced viecc CMT spAce SyndicMed always look at the directions if I viorc srppsTPiRC tions to something before yoa un­ miitakes there are to be made. It said -I was going to regd the direc- ■ On the other hand, it has been my Princeton K. Stephenson, 22, of Hartford, who arrived at 1 ^ Columnist have to, then I usually find out how Tulips — Hyacinths — Crocus — yptichT (i$»o ihfUPMceup derstand alittle bit about It, because will be fun now to see if the direc­ tions about how to work the air con- ■ experience that “ Fragile this side police headquarters about 4:30 a.m. with a report that a to do it the hard way. woman was being threatened with a knife, they said. they don’t mean anything to you. tions have anything to offer. V. K dltloning. up” can usually be ignored with no Daffodils and Assorted minor bulbs You have to know enough about It 44 always surprising to me to ^ “ Forget it,” she said. "It doesn’t ' DIRECTION-WRITERS have ill effects. Unless you’ve bought a Stephenson led police to 107 Spruce St., where the Open dally Sem-Spm “Plantt that Plaaaa” something to be confused before see bow many issues divide our pap­ have air conditioning.” improved over the years. Even the cut glass crystal pitcher that comes alleged victim. 24-year-old Elizabeth Toledo, resides. are the ones who don't pore over the directions help. Once I’ve pressed ulation almost in half. For eiam ple, If I’d only looked for the air con­ directions that come with a piece of filled with champagne, there aren’t Ms. Toledo wasn’t there. Soon afterward, however, 168 Woodland 8t 643-8474 instructions for o p m t ^ their new some wrong buttons or tried tp open I think it’s safe to say that w e are ditioning directions in the glove Japanese electronic ^uipment are many things you can’t carry upside police received a report of an injured woman at 14 washing machine or video cassette something by pressing on It when I evenly divided betweep people who compartment. I’d have known that. written in better English than they down. Knighton St. pUyer. 4^ NAifpdiirRt. w MAHcissm ibotild have been pulling on it or read dlrectidn before operating, as In v ite of some bad experience, need to be. I ’m going to look through my box I ’m a' firm believer in the trial-and- Poliee found Ms. Toledo on the back porch at 14 •* •47-8997 sliding It sideways, then I can un­ they’re warned fo do under threat of M Y W IF E drive* a Saab, and You’d think it might be dangerous of directions for the ones about my Knighton St., “ visibly shaken and crying.” Shp suffered To Keeney St. e47-t998 derstand the directions. death, and people don’t ever durinfei,^ three years w e’ve bad It, error method of learning. If I were to Ignore written directions, but camera, but usually if I really want an arm injury and was treated and released from Tonite Til 9, Tues., Wed., Sat. Til 5 I have a whole box df directions lead the dli^on s. The same peo­ I ’ve used It a dozen times. For the asked to take the spaceship Colum­ usually those little red tags say the directions for one specific piece Manchester Memorial Hospital. She did not want to i’ve never read. Many of them are ple who don’t read the maps in the life of me I can’t figure out bow the bia into outer space, I'd first want to something like under no cir­ of L'^ipment, those are the dlrec- press charges against her alleged assailant. Mon.. Thurs. Til 9. FrI. Til 8 ■tU in their pfast'e.wrappers. This gIov)h compartments of th ^ cars. heater works. I almost fr ^ idut climb on board ^ start fooling' c*mstances should this be put in a ,^,ions I threw out. - »-v / MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs.. Nov. 18. 1982 - 13 PRE-HOLIDAY

year-old female who until dropped you because all he DKAR ABBY; Eight recently was involved with wanted from you was sex. years ago, after 13 years of a 35-year-old man for about If he really cared for you, marriage, my husband and a month. We had a good he would have waited. I divorced. 1 have custody relationship and enjoyed of a daughter (16) and a each other’s company until PHOTO SAVINGS! DEAR ABBY: My son (14), he wanted sex-. I felt I My former husband ,sister-in-law is pregnant wasn’t ready fbr that even with her second child and (Bob) married almost im­ though I was beginning ta I'd like to give her a baby mediately and lives out of fall in love with him. shower. She already has state. He .has continued to He felt hurt and thought I love and support our/ many of the things she didn't care for him, so he c ^ a n o i i needs for the coming baby, children through the years. stopped calling me. Now so 1 want to know if it They visit him for he's telling everyone that would be proper to list on vacations and are in close children to church and trip.) we broke up because of the the invitations Ihe things touch with him, which I have tried to set a good My friends tell me that age difference. I know that PHOTO c u n i c think is wonderful. (brand names and colors) example for them, and I times have changed and’ I wasn't true, and now I Bob announced six she needs the most, and am very upset about this should be m ore ‘ ‘open- regret that I didn't give in mouths ago that he and his ask the guests to please proposed arrangement. I minded. What would you to.his demands for sex. wife are filing for divorce. spwify with their R.S.V.P. am also angry that Bob do under my cir­ I can't sleep nights the Canon Camera Pm Last week he called and which gift they chose? was not completely honest c*mstances? wishing I had l ^ n Miss asked if the children could with me, OLD-FASHIONED Sexy instead of Miss . This would eliminate any go on a skiing vacation Goody-Goody. duplicates at the party, and Herald photo by S avlt^ ‘A V -1 ’ Umm C iw n e i i with him during Christmas I know I am still clinging D E A R O L D - SORRY IN TRENTON, she coilld get the things she to old-fashioned morals, FASIIIOINEI): I would tell urtthW Jieiw;: FRl, WOV 19 ? vacation. 1 agreed, really needs for the baby. Bob that as long as the N.J. thinking it would be good and I probably would be PERPLEXED Deadly funny ------4 awM. W»m- for the children to be alone called “ prudish” by some, children are in my care, I DEAR SORRY: Dry r tit vlMdlmlsr, auto 149.7$ with their dad once again. but this arrangement will not consent to their your tears. You obviously DEAR PERPLEXED: Barbara Bottomley and Wayne Reading rehearse for “Arsenic and Old ‘ ^ with optional vacationing with him and a Our Reg. 13947 Yesterday my daughter in­ would contradict the didn't know him very well It’s not proper to ask for Lace,” the comedy being presented by 8ock-n-Buskln Drama Club of - r r r ' teachings 1 have tried to in­ woman to whom he is not anything specific with an formed me that Dad told after a one-month involve­ Manchester High School. The play opens tonight at 7:30. Show time la ; and Accessories^ PiJi?*®®* Canon Cameras Len« her he planned to take his still in our children. (His married. Period. ment. He didn't drop you invitation, but if anyone new girlfriend along! divorce will not even be because he thought you should inquire, it’s proper at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the high school’s Bailey Auditorium. ; C D C C WITH PURCHASE OF Abby. I've taken my final at the time of this I>KAR ABBY: I’m a 22- didn't care for him; he to offer suggestions. Tickets are $2.50. Students with an SAA card will be admitted fbr $2. • r n c e ANY SSmm CAMERA! 1 Roll ol FuJlcolor-12-Exp. Print Film Plus Caldor PRO-35 Developing! real coionui auton"*"'' (8m etgrk tor dolailt.) .. ,m lust s e c o n d s ^ o p e r a t i o n ! How can we combat varicose veins? Cinema turn advance ^ r as'.s

DEAR DR. LAM B: My to some extent, the over­ First, it is not contagious liarlff>rcl ' Lampoon’s Class Reunion at Ridgemont High (R) wife is 24 years old, 5 feet 2 dilation of the veins. at all and there is no way Atheneuin Cinema — (R ) 7:15, 9:15. - An Of­ 7:15, 9:30. and weighs 102 pounds. She One of the best ways to anyone can catch it from The Bad and The Beautiful ficer and A Gentleman (R ) :V' has had three kids. Nine avoid stretching the veins her. It is an inherited 7:30 with Two Weeks in 7:20, 9:50. - E.T. The West Hartford months)ago she had an -P Your Health is to not stand still. The (genetic) skin condition. A Another Town 9:30. Extra-Terrestrial (PG) 7, Elm 1 A 2 — Annie llistefii C«iitf»ra operation on her right leg long column of blood from simplification is to think of Cinema City — Last 9:25. (PG) 7, 9:30. - Poltergeiit CANON *Snappy 20’ 35mm and had a varicose vein Lawrence Lamb, M.D. the heart to the legs fills it as somewhere between Tango in Paris (X ) 7, 9:45. Manohealer _ (P G ) 7:15, 9:30. ; C a n w r a with auto-nim stripped. The doctor did the veins and promotes dandruff and psoriasis. The — The Devils (R ) 7:20 with I'A Theaters East — 'The Movies — National loading ayatem, auto-flim not remove all the varicose stretching. advance, auto-exposure and 69.77 scalling and red patches A Clockwork Orange (R) National Lampoon’s Class Lampoon’s Class Reunian power film rewind. AH thia Our Reg. veins and she had to go There are two sets of really have nothing to do 9:15. - Tex (P G ) 7:10, Reunion (R ) 7:15, 9:15. — (R ) 12:15, 2:10, 4, S;4S, piua ehap and style! 89.94 back and have some type of veins, the ones you see un­ with the sabaceus (oil) 9:10. — The Chosen (P G ) Tex (PG ) 7:30, 9:30. — 7:30, 9:30. — Tex (P G ) 12, .shot in some smaller veins. der the skin and the other blands of the skin. 7:20, 9:,35. Time Bandite (P G ) 7:15, 1:55, 3:50, 5:40, 7:35, 9:30. CANON *AE>r 35mm SLR CANON ‘A>1U$mmSL She is again having pain set inside the leg muscles Frequent shampooing is East llarlfO rd 9:30. — 'Time Bandits (PG) Camera with 1(1.8 Lens Carnara w4th f/1.8 Lana •C/MNON ^Snl^>py 50’ Autofocus and a vein has popped out going to happen to her if large veins in the legs don’t you don't see. Walking and helpful. Her doctor has EaHlwomi — Jinxed (R ) 12:15,2:30,4:45,7:15,9:%. 35mm Camom, Our Rag. 11944 ,93.60 on the back side of her leg she keeps losing veins in meet. That allows the riding her bicycle com­ probably prescribed a 7:15, 9:15. Mansfield Our during her pregnancy. presses the deep veins and medicated shampoo. The Rag. 34847 her legs? blood to run back downhill P oor R i c li a r li s — rrans-Lux College Willimantic ^ *214 SS -* 290.87 She doesn’t work. Only or leak backwards. The ac­ actually help empty the condition cannot be Jinxed (R ) 7:30, 9:30. I'win — Jekyll & Hyde Jillson Square Cinenfa The moat famous of them Features the living room is DEAR READER: cumulated blood in the veins. “ dured" but it can be con­ SliuwcaHe Cinem a — Together Again (R ) 7:15,9. — Creepshow (R) 6:56, shutter^riority automatipn plus instant carpeted. Would carpet in There is an inherited rasponse metering and manual control jfivpdd down mcxki •flash mode •and dilated veins allows DEAR DR. LAMB: My trolled. First Blood (R ) 1:10, 7:15, — Stir Crazy 7:15 with 9:15. — National Lam ­ the entire house help? She tendency to varicose veins When the medicated for creative photography. Has a compact msnuSI mods from crsativlty. Also has swelling to occur. grandmother, who is 86, 9:35. — An O fficer and A Richard PryorLive on the poon’s Class Reunion (R ) also rides a bicycle with and evidently your wife is shampoos don’t work, a and lightweight body. x ; axtremely wide metering range. has soborrhea. Is this hard Gentleman (R ) 1:50, 7:20, Sunset Strip (R ) 7:05,9:30. 7, 9:10. — Jekyll & Hyi|e me when I jog in the after­ Obviously the thing to do N prone to them. corticosteroid gel or liquid to get rid of? She washes 9:45. — The Missionary (R ) Vernon Together Again (R )7 ,9:10. noons A varicose vein is simply is to prevent •CANON AE-1 Program 35mm Cam etj^- her hair and neck with can be used on the scalp. A 1:20, 7:20, 9:35. — Cine 1 & 2 — Annie — 'The Missionary (R ) 7:li), •CANON FD 138mm 1/34 1 would appreciate all a vein that has been overstretching the veins as wHhfh4 Uns,0urita«.27»a7 *247 some soap the doctor gave hydrocortisone cream may Creepshow (PG) 1:40,7:30, (PG ) 7, 9:15. — Fast Times 9:15. ; Tal*|9wloLans,OwrBe9.i»44 ..*1 17 overstretched to the point much as possible. That is the information you could her. Can she give this to be applied to the face and 9:50. - E.T. The Extra- that it has lost most of its why support hose and areas other than the scalp. send me as this is getting anyone else? Terrestrial (PG) 1, 7:15, us very worried and is very elasticity. When that pressure garmets are used. These measures usually 9:40. — My Favorite Year expensive as well. What is happens the valves in the The compression prevents. DEAR READER; control the condition. (P G ) 1:15, 7:25, 9:50. — HAPPY CANON ‘Sura Shot’ 35mm wHh | Monsignor (R ) 1:40, 7:10, AUto. Fooua It Motordrive 9:35. — Jekyll & Hyde HOLIDAYS! Hai motor wind/rewind, I 4 4 0 4 Together Again (R ) 1:25, automeUcexpoaunisystem for I - 1 ^ | 7:40, 9:30. Come On In Rnd («jldoofsa»wbuHt-ln flash for ‘ Our Reg, Fifty-year-old is scared of school I'infieiil indoors plus built-in cas«! 14947 Cine I, 2, .3, 4 .5 & 6 - See The Many New First Blood (R ) 7:30, 9:45. _ Titles That Have Jnst Nirlvod ly careful about my diet. look forward to. Explore — Creepshow (R) 7:30,’ D E A R D R . My problem is that I still gourmet shops, cookware 1:45. — On Golden Pond R ECEIVE *10.00 OFF BI.AKER:I’m 50 years, X haven’t been able to adjust stores. Keep on top of the IPG) 7:35.9:35.-National old, my children have all Regular-MemberiMp Dues A s k to constantly dieting. Food latest in delicacies, left the nest and I find o. wHh this ad Expiraa 12-10-a2 is always on my mind; it’s gadgets and implementr V myself with tons of time D r . B l a k e r almost as if I ’m obsessed and promise yourself a and energy on my hands. M TV ^ • MU ■ Ai * — * with it. treat once a month or so. ■wwo I f VHMESi 910 M IV wiMI r f i IM Ib My fondest dream is to go Karen Blaker, Ph.D. Is there anything that Although this may sound back to school but I ’m L ■ Hf can help me conquer this? as though it will aggravate NEW FILM TITLES BELL and HOWELL‘EZ 35’ scared to death. Ca n o n 'Sugar sure Shot’ with your need for food, what it How could 1 possibly _____. - DEAR READER; Travel Service O ARRIVING WEEKLY ^35mm Fiaah (^aniMa, will actually do is feed 01.9 Lana & Caaa ^ compete with the younger Whenever something — 555 MAIN STREET vour interest in it, thus CHINON Full-Faaturad Sugar 8 . CNdorRagPfiea ...... 5 9 J 4 with automatic motorized students? And really, I food or anything — is for­ 643-2165 loadfWindAewind/focus and taking the emphasis off Sound Movia Projaetor CaMoraaNPrtca -,-...... *179 don't know how much I can bidden to us, it somehow axpoaure: Never mise a shot Our Reg. feeding your body. It will Over 30 Years 4 THEMOVESTORE ' MteilM4nltalNaa WHh twitl-in auton»tlc flash! 219.94 do. I’ve been only a volve the abilities of degree program right seems to take top priority allow you to satisfy your Travel Experie^e _ housewife for all these in our minds. You might m ? 7 i s i » M . meeting deadlines, enter­ away. You could test the need in a psychologically Authorized agent in Utti«4ha)D fil,6 zo o i^s. aute-tt^lng AFTER 4 | m Irwk > years. try this little trick, which R taining, raising money or waters a bit by taking xenefiail way rather than a Manchestier for all Airlines, oondon^ound ryiOfding. ^IOM;) ! Iflar-g Auxiliary Lana Sets for What do you think? sounds almost the opposite the like. Time manage­ seminars or auditing a par­ physically self-defeating Railroads and Steamship ao j._ ... FMfttH!«ifociW’fmel«s8,bitHt4ri(»i»c- UUm Shot* or‘Sugar Sura Shot’ ment and organization are ticularly interesting class of what you’re trying to do Lines. tronio flash * afr^iie^roke flimaehwce! Wiee angle, talM^o, vtewflndaf -mgi way. -O’ an0casa.fUg.^. Women and children in Norwegian rates were Taking Ordara Nov. 19 - Nov. 22 JEKYlilHYUL. Vermont, Maine and lower than the New Call Jaanina 949-4900 T w n m im Rhode Island are four England rates for all com­ - — SWWMWi------< ») P le k - U p Data Nov. 23 times'as likely to have a mon surgical procedures iM M ta Don’t wait till the last hysterectomy or tonsillec­ except appendectomy. M CC Dining Doom lOnm - Bpm .... l i . tom y than women and I OrMn af 8V8T ID pits minute! Be part children in European coun­ tries with nationalized -SHOWN sn- t » m * a medicine, a study said of the smart shoppers today. Thm N9w Bohlnd Doctors in the three New Court Houoo Ono England states also per­ who shop from the form surgery for hernias, Building -SHOWN NTi— gall bladder ailments and Resicuant & lounge hemorrhoids twice as often as their colleagues in Bri­ AH o m c i n AND Christmas Gift Guide aobntuimanr ' tain and Norway, said the study published in the New -SHOWN NT:- England Journal of IM -M H ril of the Manchester Herald. Medicine. DANCING But the team of doctors FRIDAYS AND SATURDAY^ (0:30pm-2KMBm) from Hanover, N.H., miit^sHdw Oxford, England, and Oslo, (ThlsW M k’sDJ.'^JamlnoOMoroB”) NO COVER mi-. Norway, said the variation SSS!£- Beginning Nov. 26, 1982 in surgery rates was due to SATURDAY-996 Wall Drinks All Night B«w Maeai the individual decisions of ... snddonttor^ our 2 §or1 Happy Hour I Every day till Christmas Ev6! physiciam, and "is indepen­ m J S a t i - Friday 4.7) ■ SHOWH/e---...... dent df the national method mwnmmmitmkr of organizing or financing n la tliri 19a. Pwaa/NaatiiUr Kw______MMIM medical care.’’ MMIMW

MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs., Nov. 18, 1982 — 15 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs., Nov. 18, 1982 Celtics shoot About Town down Rockets SPORTS Page 16 Open dance set Baptists convene

'Manchester ^ u a re Dance Club will ’The Community Baptist Church, 585 E. have an open (lance for all club level Center St., w ill host the Baptist Youth dancers Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m. at Fellowship of Connecticut for its annual Verplanck School, 127 Olcott St. youth convention Friday through Sun­ Earl Johnston w ill call the squares and day. Start oh home ice Russ and Anita White W ill' cue the On Saturday morning workshops on rounds. faith and commitment will be presented. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bernard will Debbie Blake of Manchester will report have door duty. Refreshments will be on a recent mission tour to Thailand. served by Mr. and Mrs. Stan Best, Mr. Nancy Lottey, the daughter of mis­ pleasing to Herron s and Mrs. Les Black, and Mr. and Mrs. sionaries in El Salvador, will speak Joe Blazinskl. Saturday evening about her experiences Tho% attending are reminded to wear in El Salyador as a teen^iger. second. The Whalers unloaded 13 of PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Denis Since I was turning 30, I decided I soft-sbled shoes. Tickets are available ’The public is invited to the 10:30 a.m. Herron is looking forward to more wanted to be traded to a team where their .30 shots at Herron in the final for the New Y ear’s Eve dance. Sunday worship service whicJi w ill ( i n ­ starts on home ice. I would be playing,” Herron said. frame, but couldn’t score. clude the convention. A telephone h(x>k The Pittsburgh goaltender started “ If I stayed in Montreal, maybe I “ We just couldn’t put the puck in up during the service will broadcast a five road games this season and all would only get into 10 games and that last period. We certainly had Post to attend conversation with Edith McCarty, a Bap­ he had to show for it was a tie and who would pick me up after that? our chances,” Francis said. tist missionary in Thailand. Members of Dilworth-Comell-Quey four losses. Here, I’m able to set my goals as The difference was Pat Boutette’s Community Baptist Church members Post 102 will attend a district meeting But things were different high as 15-20 wins this season. power-play goal at 13:44 of the third will host the convention members In Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Post 77, Connec­ Wednesday night. Herron chalked “ Hopefully, winning at home period. He deflected Randy their homes. ticut Boulevard, East Hartford. up his first victory, a 4-3 win over the tonight will get me hot and I ’ll play Carlyle’s 20-fOot slapshot past Hart­ Recognize these faces? The local post will have its monthly Hartford Whalers. like I ’m supposed to on the road,” he ford’s sprawling goaltender Mike dinner dance Nov. 27 at the post home. added. Veisor. godparents, Nick and Mary Dellafera. Recognize anyone “ It’s nice to get a win, and it’s Mary Correnti of 90 Birch St. brought us this picture photo Vic and Bruno Dubaldo’s combo will really nice to get it at home,” “ I never even saw the puck. It hit To beat Hartford, Herron stopped taken, she guesses, In the early 1940s In front of the old else familiar in the photo? If you have an old photo you'd play. Nearly half the world output o f dry Herron said after turning away 27 my skate and went in,” Boutette numerous close-in Sons of Italy Hall on Garden Grove Drive. The occasion Is like to see used here, submit It to the Focus Department, Friday night fish nights will continue mustard never reaches the mustard pot; shots. said. * Manchester Herald. to the end of May from 6 to 9 p.m. Bingo four tons in every 10 are marketed in ''shots and foiled The goal was Boutette’s 15th of the christening of Mary Petricca and she is held by her “ But I know what my job is with is played Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m. bulk for use in other foods. Whaler right wing the season and first since Nov. 2 this team, and that’s to play on the Blaine Stoughton when he scored the game-winner road. I guess I gained that reputa­ f -....” ...... I f r j p on tw o against the New York Islanders. a - W f tion last year when I was with Mon­ breakaways. The 30-year-old left wing has scored Thoughts treal,” said Herron, who shares the “ Sometimes the game-winning goal in four of the I’ enguins goaltending chores with 8 those kinds of Penguins’ six victories. Michel Dion. “ Playing on the road shots go in. Rookie Penguin center Dave Han­ We live in a time of both seems to be harder, but it’s fine with Sometimes they nan was felled when Whaler hope and despair, of cause me. As long hs I play, I ’ll be happy.” don't," said Hart­ defenseman Ed Hospodar elbowed Playing time was the reason for rejoicing and also great '.yv-Lim tiroNIfl ' ford center Ron him in the head at the beginning of sadness. We live in a time, Herron asked Montreal to trade him Francis, who managed to Score two the second period. He suffered a also, when many of the old in the off-season. He said he didn’t goals against Herron. possible concussion and was ad­ ways of doing things do not like the dance he was forced to per­ "Denis is a good goaltender, and mitted to a Pittsburgh hospital for work, where the old form as one of Montreal’s three tonight he stopped us when he had to observation. Coach Eddie .Johnston authorities are no longer goalies. in the third period," Francis added. said he thinks Hannan will be able to listened to, where the old 4 DAYS ONLY “ It was like musical chairs with After a scoreless first period, play iSaturday when the Penguins myths no longer sustain us. three goalies and I was the oldest. each team scored three goals in the host the Boston Bruins. Nowhere is this clearer than in the realm of Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - Sun. religion. Centers new line For myself, now, it is not the immortality of my soul that concerns me, but an STOCK REfMHrriON abundant, wholesome Housley filled new role future for life on planet Earth. Personal salvation means nothing to me. DRESS SALE Social salvation, en­ with savvy of veteran vironmental salvation, means everything. Take Another UPI photo games (0-16-4) over two seasons. Eld Investing my life, my By Tony Favia immediate success, as left winger Mio, bidding for his first shutout in energy, in easing the pain CINCINNATI'S ROBERT JACKSON CAUGHT IN PRAYER UPI Sports Writer Hamel scored two goals and right nearly three years, was denied when of my own existance is not . . . on sidelines as team resumed practice sessions Wednesday winger McKenna picked up three Rookie Phil Housley filled his new Bill Derlago scored with 4:40 left. the chief end of my life. I assists to lead the Sabres to a 7-2 Herald photo by Richmond Photo by Colburn role with the savvy of a veteran and Black Hawks .I, Devils U want to be engaged with rout, it looks as though the Buffalo Sabres At Chicago, Doug Wilson scored N others in building a better MACGREGOR READY FOR ADOPTION NICKI NICKED HER TAIL have themselves another strong Hamel was more surprised with two goals in a 33-second span of the home on Earth for those OFF . . . part Scotty, part poodle . . . found near Manchester Country Club % center. the rookie’s quick transition. second period to help the Black who come after us, 20 Business as usual Housley was moved up from the Kiiiigers f». Maple Leafs I Hawks extend their unbeaten streak I would put an’end to the defense to center a new Itne between At New York, Don Maloney to to games and the Devils’ winless madness for power that Sean McKenna and Gilles Hamel for scored tw ice and Mike Rogers slide to 15. The Devils, who have Adopt a pet leads us into the arms - Our Mreadji Low Prices, Even the Sabres’ game against the Jets at collected a goal and two assists for won only three games this season, race. I would work for a Winnipeg, Manitoba Wednesday the Rangers. The loss extended had closed to 3-2 on a pair of goals by social order where wealth if it has more than one markdown! night. The combination proved an Toronto’s road winless streak to 20 Bob MacMillan; is more equitably dis­ today for gridders MacGregor is very friendiy tributed and where human beings can not only respect and care for one another NEW YORK (UPI) - It's hurt. We all have to get together and early Wednesday evening the Lions’ but will see themselves as business as usual in the N F L today. bring the game back.” players would reluctantly return to By Barbara Richmond that's probably only 4 or 5 weeks Colburn of Manchester said the part. of a natural order The 28 NFL teams Wednesday y Chuck Sullivan, vice president of practice tixlay. For the record Herald Reporter old. It was picked up Monday on organization is unable to accept any living in concert with many night unanimously ratified the 'the New England Patriots and a “ We’re returning at the insistence Penney High Football Coach T ed Knu rek in the . His name is MacGregor — he Carter Street. If not claimed by its more animals until permanent other forms of life on the previous day’s collective bargaining member of the Management Coun­ of the Player's Association under, years 1974-TO saw his Black Knights compile doesn t know how to play the owner, it will be ready for adoption homes are found for some of these plant. The meaning of life f Tou can’t beat the agreement and today union head Eld cil’s 6-man executive committee, protest," Domey said. records totaling 17-31-3, His three-year mark from bagpipes nor do the Highland fling — in a week. cats and kittens. lies in doing what I can to Garvey is expected to sign the said he hoped the settlement would Following the owners’ ratifica­ 1979-81 was 25-6 with co-CCIL honors in ‘81. Just V but he does have a bit of Scotch Anyone interested in giving any of Anyone interested in adopting help the Great Experiment agreement that ended the 57-day mark a “ new era of labor tion, Rozelle held a meeting in his Thoughts goes to prove you need the horses to win... terrier mixed in with the poodle in the dogs at the pound a home should Nicki or any of the many other of life on planet Earth go 1 A A M E players’ strike. c(X)peration.” office to discuss guidelines of the Bill MrCarihy in three years as Manchester him. .And he's very friendly. call Rand at the pound, 643-6642 or friends that AHA is caring for, The 1,500-inember rank-aiid-file of “ We hope that the end of this bad shortened season. The major ApLENty GAME... High soccer coach has rung up 39 wins, 11 losses MacGregor, like most of the stray call him through the police depart­ should call Ms. Colburn after 8 p.m, the N F L Players Association are to story is the beginning of a good changes include increasing the ac­ Ariiulil F. Westwood and 2 ties. He has one CCIL championship to his Len Auster, dogs that end up at the dog pound. •• ment, 646-4555. There is a charge of and on weekends a( 643-8649. vote on the five-year $1.6 billion story," he said. tive roster from 45 to 49 players and Unitarian Universalist credit, meaning 11 more to go to equal the number needs some grooming. He's been at $5 for adopting a dog. The dog pound agreement by secret ballot next The only snag in the owners’ adding an extra week of the regular Herald Sportswriter ■Society You can’t beat the gained by his predecessor, Dick Danielson... the pound for a few weeks. He was is located on town property off 'Tuesday. A majority decision is ratification was overcome earlier in season to be played Jan. 2-3. Earth heat T om Malin in nine years'as East Catholic soccer picked up by Dog Warden Richard Olcott Street. needed and ratification Is expected. the evening when the New York Jets It is estimated the strike, which coach has a 70-62-10 mark. The Eagle hooters have Rand on Birch Street. .And now for cat fanciers: Geothermal energy literally By then, the teams will have agreed to open camp today. Only the wiped out seven games, cost qualified for the state tournament in each the last Rand said MacGregor wasn't in ‘ Nicki'' is a shiny black female — played their third game of the Detroit Lions and Jets failed to work management and players nearly • means "earth-heat” energy. It is ADventnres four years and have rung up 55 wins against 14 freshmen." Bolton is the second smallest school in very good shape when he was picked about 4 months old. NAME... season — eight weeks after the se­ out Wednesday. The Liops’ players $275 million. found in areas where the un­ losses and one tie in that span. Malin began his the state... up However. Rand has been giving She has come a long way since she cond game. voted not to report to practice or derground heat is close to the sur­ tenure with back-to-back 0-12-1 seasons in 1974 and Manchester boys’ cross country Coach George him some vitamins and good food, was found wandering near Following the owners’ ratification play a game until they met with Several player representatives face. The heat must be located in You won’t beat the price! ‘75... Suitor has a nine-year mark of 102-18 in dual meets and he's in fine shape now. .Manchester Country Club about two announcement, Commssioner Pete player representative Stan White feel the union didn’t get enough in permeable rocks that contain Manchester soceer squads have been in the last 16 with three CCIL crowns and three state Class LL However, his days will be numbered months ago. She was extremely thin Rozelle was careful not to offend and heard terms of the settlement. the settlement and Mark Murphy of enough water to transfer it to the state tournaments in a row. The Silk Town school championships to his credit... if someone doesn't take pity and and a nick had been taken off the end anyone in his poststrike assessment. A spokesman for the Jets said the the Washington Redskins doesn’t surface. has been represented 29 out of the last 32 years... East boys’ cross country Coach Jack Hull has a adopt him soon. Rand said he of her tail — thus the name “ Nicki.” “ As for the strike itself, I think It club would permit practice think his teammates will ratify the East Catholic senior Colin Doran set a school six-year mark of 41-18 with one HCC title and one figures that .MacGregor is 1 to 2- The person who found her was un­ just had to happen,” Rozelle said. Thursday “ based on the fact agreement. Richard Wagner single-season scoring mark with 25 goals. That sur­ state Open crown, both coming this year... years old. able to keep her and called Aid to “The players were sincere in the representatives from the NFL “ There’s a very good chance the passed the 24 goals registered by Terry McConville Eagle junior running back Doug Post has rushed .Also waiting to be adopted is a Helpless Animals for assistance. The greatest 19th century German things they wanted and established I^anagement Council are flying to Redskins will reject the in 1980. McConville still holds the school career 114 times for 905 yards and a school-record 16 TDs springer-setter cross. She's liver The cat was put Into one of the operatic composer, Richard their solidarity. The owners, on the Washington to execute the docu­ agreement,” said Murphy who mark with 51 goals with Doran sliding into the No. 2 in nine games to date. Post needs 95 yards in the and white and hasn't been named foster homes of AHA and hae since Wagner, was born in Leipzig |n 1813. other hand, felt there was no point in ment with representatives of the talked to the team for an hour after spot with 50 tallies... turkey day clash against Manchester to achieve the yet by Rand. Sbe's about 8 months fully recovered. Now she needs a He composed grand operas^based on signing anything they can’t live NFL Players Association.” Wednesday’s workout. ” ... The Cheney Tech’s Paul, Nowak set a single-season magipal 1,000-yard plateau... old and was picked up on Findlay permanent home. German myth, including Detroit offensive tackle and co­ agreement will probably be ratified, I GOT HIM IN THE'WANT with. soccer scoring mark with his 13 goals in 1982 and es­ East defensive tackle Rich KurinakaH is Street. AHA cares for gbout 75 cats and “ Siegfried ' and “ Das Rheingold.” “ Overall, I think we (N F L ) were captain Keith Domey announced but not by much.” ADS,WHERE ELSE? tablished a career standard with 26 markers... reportedly high on the list of recruits for ‘83 at Rand also picked up a black puppy kittens in its foster homes. Carol Wagner died in Venice in 1883. Manchester High’s Jay Hedlund moved into the UConn. The determined Eagle co-captain should be No. 5 slot in career scoring in soccer with 31 goals. high on the list of many schools... Dead whales His 18 goals in ‘82 ties him for the No. 5 slot in the Manchester boys’ basketball Coach Doug Pear­ single ^season list, knotting him with Roland Glatz son goes into the 1982-83 campaign with an eight- are mystery who had 15 markers in 1958... year mark of 112-68 with four CCIL titles either won Sliana Hopperstead's 30 goals for the outright or shared. Elast mentor Jim Penders has a BOSTON (UPI) - Manchester girls’ s

Robert Reid (for personal reasons) up a 35-point lead. One high point for too. Houston was wWen Hayes hit a “He left us the day before camp jumper in the second half to pass tiw Wednesday’s ResulU Chris Malmgren of Boise State opened. No kiss, no letter. We didn’t 26,000-point career mark. ’The Big E Golden St. 4 6 .400 P itU b u r^ 4. Hartford 3 and guard Bobby Whitten of HERALD- Leon Bilodeau 204-503, even know who was going to be on is the fifth all-time scorer in the San Diego 1 9 .100 M NY Rangers 6, Toronto 1 Kansas. Barb Collett! 194-471, Gerlinde Wecmesday’s Results Chicago S, New Jersey 3 Hockey our team until the last few days ,of NBA. Boston 112, Houston 94 BuffaTo 7, Winnipeg 2 Los Angeles — Assigned w ii^ Collett! 184490, JuUe Spulick 456. training camp,” the Houston coach The Rockets were led by Leavell Phlla lao. Detroit 1(B Hockey Today's Games Phil S^es to New Haven of the said. “We’re still searching for a with 18 points and Murphy with 16. San Antonio 114, Wash 112 (AU Times EST) American Hockey League: For Ainge, the 20 points scored Ind. 124, Golden St. 122, ot Calgary at Philadelphia, 7:36 brought up ertiter Warren TEE-T'OTALERS- Gail Hartzog way to win with these guys.” '' DalUs 118, Los A n g ^ 117 p.m. Holmes from New Haven. 478, Mary Ann Zawlinski 202-496, Boston coach Bill Fitch said was his career high. Utah 101, New Jersey 91 „ Boston at NY Islanders, 8:06 St. Louis — Returned der “I’ve had a few lapses this year Seattle 119, Atlanta 91 p.m. fenseman Alain Vifmeault and Deana Richard 465,. Karen despite their 0-10 record, his team is Today’s Games Quebec at Montreal, 8:06 right wing Bobby Crawford to Hershberger 453, Joan Franco 182- still wary about the Jtockets. but I’m pleased overall,” Ainge (All 'Times’Tin- EST) p.m. Salt Uke City of the Central said. “Offensively I’ve been erratic Milwaukee at New York, 7:90 Buffalo at MinnesoU, 8:96 Hockey League. 488, Karen Bamowski 480, Trudi “I’ve seen Elvin (Hayes) go on NBA Standings p.m. *NHL Standings p.m. Taylor 177, Nancy Washburn 175-18IV streaks. I’ve seen (Allan) Lovell and not consistent, but I’m getting By United Press International Denver at Phoenix, 10:10 By United Press International , Detroit at Los Angeles, 10:36 Eastern Conference p.m. Wales Conference p.m. 476, Martie Barilla 451, Cindy Hyson and guys like him beat us in the confidence. I scored most of my Patrick Division baskets on the fast break tonight.” Atlantic Division Cleveland at San Diego, 10:90 Friday’s Games 453, Pat Thibodeau 175-490, Lou Tou- playoffs. (Calvin) Murphy can beat W L Pet. GB p.m. W L T PU. Washington at Wigpipeg tain 197470, Lee Bean 193-210463, you all by himself, so sure I was “It was the most shots I’ve taken Phila 0 1 900 — Friday's Games NY Islanders 13 6 2 28 (20) since I ’ve been here ... In Boston 8 2 .800 1 San Antonio at Boston » Philadelphia 10 8 1 21 Sandy Kershaw 191-505, Marge worried,’’ Fitch said. “You’re New Jersey 5 6 .466 4V^ Milw at Philadelphia NY Rangers 8 10 1 17 Brainard 179-458, Rita Kelsey 179- always thinking that this is the night college I’d shoot 20 times a game. In Wash Golden State at Detroit Washington 7 7 3 17 tM its 'itansactions the pros I’m used sphringly, four or New York 3 7 JOO 6 Houston at Indiana Pittsburgh 6 11 3 IS By United Press International 450, Brenda Je rry 488, Jessie they could have a good night, and (Antral Division Utah at Chicagicago New Jersey 3 13 6 12 Wednesday Williams 475, Karen Riordan 202- five minutes at a time. In college if I Detroit _ ' ' Baseball you could have your off night.” 7 4 .636 Wash at Loss Angeles Adams Division 497, Shirley Eldridge 185-452, Fran That didn’t happen Wednesday, missed four or five times I’d keep on Milwauke 6 i .600 Vk New Jersey at Portland Montreal 3 27 Oakland — Named Steve Indiana S, ,9oa IVi Cleveland at Seattle Boston 3 23 Boros m anage^ named Ron Misseri 190-505, Donna Miller 178- however. going. If I do that here I’m out of t(ie Atlanta ^ 6 . 400 2Vt Quebec 2 20 Schueler. Billy williams and Ed 511. Late in the game, Boston opened game, and I should be.” Chicago 4 6 .400 V/, Buffalo 4 20 Mottle coaches. Cleveland I 7 .125 4V%- Hartford 2 12 Collie Western Conference Burgmeier signs ampi Brooklyn — r a t b a ll Coach ANTIQUES-. Donna Ford 128, Midwest Division .A Norris Division Stewart Yaker retired. Lucy Kosicol 129, Bev Anderson 129, CUNLIFFE AUTO- Don W L Pct.*GB W L T PU. Penn SUle — Golf Coach Joe San Antonio 7 4 .636 _■ with Athletics Chicago 11 2 S 27 Boyle retired, effective Dw. 31; Sophie Burger 126, Viv Bayer 127, McAllister 160453, Steve Williams Kim declared Kan City 4 3 .571 1 Minnesota 12 '7 1 26 named Mary Kennedy men’s Kathy Williams 125, Sally Anderson 156-420, Chris Plumley 157414, Jim Dallas 5 5 .500 St. Louis 8 11 1 17 and women's golf coach. Denver 4 6 .4(X) 2Vi OAKLAND, Calif. (UPl) - Left- Toronto 4 8 5 13 Football 131-354, Joan DeDominicis 137-130- Bell 162412, Dave Castagna 410, UUh 3 6 .333 3 handed relief pitcher Tom Detroit 3 12 4 10 Oakland (USFL) - Signed 386, l/)uise Webb 148-36B, Sandy Rollie Irish 398, Larry Seretto 162- legally dead Houston 0 10 000 6*^ Smythe Division tight end Rodney Taylor and Pacific Division Burgmeier, one of only two players Edmonton 9 8 4 22 running back Gary Walker of Keegan 132-125-375, Dean Doyon 134- 398, Mike^Nicholson 395, Pat Irish Seattle n 01.000 _ Oakland selected last week in tbe Winnipeg 9 6 1 19 San Jose State, defensive tackle 356, Barbara Callahan 135-369, Cindy 156-394,'Hank Frey 392, Gabe Szabo Phoenix 9 2 .818 2 free-agent draft, signed a two-year Los Angeles 8 7 3 19 Lonnie Greene of Mississippi Arel 130-128 .369, Arlene St.Pierre 158, John Kensel 150, Paul Nagle 8 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPl) - Duk- Los Ang 7 3 .700 3W Calgary 8 9 3 19 State, comerback Mike Hogan Koo Kim, the South Korean boxer Portland 5 6 .465 6 contract Tuesday with the A’s. Vancouver 7 3 17 of Montana. \ defensive end 138-346, Flo Niles 138-367. ISO, Bob Frost 150. who traveled halfway around, the world for 320,000 and a chance at becoming* a-world champion, has been declared legally dead from a devastating punch that destroyed his brain. Nevada District Judge Paul Gold­ man made the decision Wednesday night after meeting with the 23-year- old fighter’s mother and doctors. The judge ordered the lifesupport machinery that had kept Kim’s heart pumping and his lungs breathing, since he suffered massive brain damage in Saturday’s WASHINGTON’S ST^VE LINQENFELTER OUT FRONT World. Boxing Association lightweight title fight against Ray c \ . . . In race for ball with Artis Gilmore of San Antonio Mancini, left on until a team of sur­ ED LEX STEVE MOSSUP geons could remove his kidneys and Standout forward . . . hIgh-scorer other healthy organs for possible use in transplant operations. “My son has passed away,” said the fighter’s weeping mother, Yang All-Sfar positions Three-point basket Sun-Nyo, 66. “I made up my mind to transplant his organs to other peo­ ple. The American doctors and N nurses have done their best to given Lex, Mossup rejuvenate my son. In spite of all wins for Mavericks our efforts we cannot rejuvenate Three member's of Manchester’s first team and Ken Goodale was him. If I continue to let the doctors Community College soccer team selected on the second team as a and staff supply medical treatment have received post-season honors. back. Mossup and Lex were By Dave Raffo have the killer instinct," Los added a career-high 17, carrying un­ it is a burden to them. Steve Mossup and EM Lex were forwards. UPl S ports Writer Angeles Coach Pat Riley said. “It beaten Seattle over Atlanta. “My son has shown his bravery in named to the All-Region XXI all-star really hurts to lose this type of Spurs I I 1, Itiillrls I 12 fighting Mr. Mancini. My true .Nobody's quite sure how the shot game.” At Landover, Md., George Gervin rehson for the transplants is that my went in. but Mark Aguirre hit the Aguirre's first three-pointer scored 40 points, including the son can live forever and have three-point shot — his second in the moved Dallas within a point at 116- game-winning shot with 40 seconds everlasting life in this world. final 17 seconds — to give the 115. Then, after Michael Cooper hit left, to lead San Antonio. Through the transplants, his fighting ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. Mavericks a 118-117 upset win over l-of-2 free throws for the Lakers, Washington lost its fourth straight. spirit'can be given to others.” the Lakers in Dallas. Aguirre put up his desperation I’iirrrs 12 4, W arriors 122 "1 just put it up and prayed to God game-winner to finish the night with At Indianapolis, Herb Williams MSUMNSMTHS SNKE it would go in. " Aguirre said of his 19 points. Rolando Blackman scored a career-high 31 points, in­ 1914 game-winning shot with one second Daljas with 24 points and Pat Cum­ cluding a basket off a pass from Boros to lead remaining. mings added 22. Clark Kellogg in the final minute for Although the NBA's No. 1 draft V In other games Wednesday, Seat­ the Indiana win. World B. Free Oakland club choice of a year ago could not see tle smashed scored for the tie as regulation time 649-5241 the basket when he let go of the ball, Atlanta. 119-97, ended. OAKLAND, Calif. (UPl) — Steve it banked off the backboard and Boston whipped Tfirrs 120, Pistons lO.'l Boros isn’t promising Oakland fans 65 E. Cmtsf SlTMl went through the hoop. Houston, 112-94, At Philadelphia, Moses Malone a pennant next year but he is certain ManchMlar, Cl. “I don't know how Mark hit that San Antonio and Maurice (Cheeks each scored 24 they will like what they see of the shot." Dallas Coach Dick Motta nipped points and Philadelphia pulled away A’s. said. “That sucker hit the glass and Washington, 114- in the second half. Detroit's Kelly Boros won out in an eight-man nestled in. This locker room was 112. Indiana edged Tripucka led all scorers with 34 derby. something after the game." Golden State, 124- points. The win was the Mavericks' first 122, in overtime, Ja/./. 101, Nets 97 ever at home before a sellout crowd Philadelphia blasted Detroit, 120- At Salt Lake City, Adrian Dantley Greyhound and snapped a four-jame losing lO,!, and Utah downed New Jersey, camejtack from a four-day hospital streak. For the defending NBA 101-97, stay with an injured eye to score a SMITH BO, Grand Prix champion Lakers, it- was their se­ Sii|n-rS<>nio» 119, Hawks 97 game-high 31 points to lead Utah. cond loss in two nights. At Seattle, David Thompson Otis Birdsong led New Jersey with “At this point I don’t believe we scored 24 points and Danny Vranes 22 points. n e r g y ROUND 3 FFICIENT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 E 7:30 PM RSox may have to double PILOTLESS GAS BOILERS

THE ENERGY SAVINGS DESIGN OF THIS salary to keep Lansford NEW CAST IRON GAS HEATING BOIl]E WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! I.IO COMPACT RESIDENTIAL TO LARGE CO^ PiesloD BOSTON (UPl) - The Boston Red American League batting cham­ salaries, the amount Jim Rice earns ( ()N"i I (IKMMh I H M ^2 I () I \ II H7 IM A IM U I D pion. Lansford has sw itch^ agents MERCIAL SIZES AVAILABLE Sox, who may have to at least double annually in a contract he signed INFORMATION ABOUT H.B. SMITH GAS and hired Jerry Kapsteiri. It is after the 1978 season. Rice is still ' Gtn^ Carney Lansford’s $440,000 salary to HEATING BOILERS, SEE OR CALL keep him from entering free agency, believed he may be asking for at the highest paid player on the team. KF have gone from the sixth highest least $1 million a year for starters. “This thing where we can’4 pay paying team to the 16th in the last “We’ve had several talks and anyone more than Jim Rice has FOGMin BROS. two years despite escalating salary hopefully we've made progress,” never been our policy,” Sullivan 319 Brood SI. MonchMler costs of 20 percent. Sullivan said. “ We're apart, i^ e re ’s said. “People somewhere have “That should give you an indica­ quite a difference in the offers of the gotten the idea that we can’t go CALL 649-4539 tion of where things are going in this two parties. I’ve been through this above a certain fiugre. There’s no type of situation before and, as a certain area where we can’t go. It’s STORM WARMER 8 business,” General Manager-Owner Haywood Sullivan said Wednesday. rule, it goes to the wire. TTiere’s just a matter of judgment.” “Our payroll for the 25 players es­ both length and money and usually Sullivan said he viewed the loss of calates every year. Two years ago, it’s the money that decides it. There .free agent reliever Tom Burgmeier we were in the top 6. We have es­ are gaps, wide gaps.” “as a loss, but losing him is not We have so n eth in g calated 18 to 20 percent and we’ve Lansford lost an arbitration case detrimental to this franchise.” He dropped to around 16th.” to Boston last year when he asked said he also was talking to Kapsteln foryourcar Sullivan conceded he was far for $650,000 a year. He is eligible for about signing free-agent Gene apart in negotiations for a long-term free, agency after the 1963 season. Tenace and restated his opposition th at yem don't have deal with Lansford, the 1981 Sullivan said there was no deadline to the system that toppled Bowie imposed by Kapsteln. Kuhn and added, “Bowie staying on and that’s a big I ^Ilivan also said the Red Sox shouldn’t be precluded.” were not fixed to a $700,000 limit on •OPT 1S%0FF Honor Guerrero Pro net event CLOTH ThurtL, FH., Sat ft tun. ONLY NEW YORK (UPl) - Pedro AND Guerrero, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ l u u n at Rocky Hill • C lIN C ir Dominican-born outfielder, was voted the Buck Canel award by the TV Coming up this weekend will be WITH THIS New York chapter of the Baseball th e annual Michelob Lite iu rfii’Es: Writers 'Association of America Professional Tennis Tournament at COUPON GIG Broad Bt Wednesday as the outstanding Latin the Rocky Hill Tennis Oub with a • 1.00 OPP • ONI TOUCH CAR WARN i m n o h o o l o r American player of the year. purse of $2,500 being offered. G4G-2G47 Guerrero batted .304 in ISO games TONIGHT John James will defend his title I 01.00 OPP - HOT ON TOTAL TOUCH for the Dodgers and drove in 100 8 • NHLi Bruin* v*. Islander*, with still competition expected in' * THUMSM-SMPJI. runs while hitting 32 homers. The Channel 38 singles play from Phil K ad^h, Jay I OFFER VMIO THRU 11/28/62 fMBM.BtSiPJS. ■aT null aas. noon award is named for the late Buck 8i30 • Boxlngt Fernandes v*. Wilder and Andy Cbalkowsky, Canel, who was the most influential Green, ^ P N among New England pros. OBNTLlTOUCH CAN WAOH media voice for baseball in Latin 10 • NBA: Nugget* v*. Sun*, USA Doubles will also be offered with I 3M Broad St Rost U NMehoator Parkado M lll9ieEeSHBieBd«nieFI| E « America before he died in 1900. Cable a the singles (Inals Sunday at 2......

MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs., Nov. 18. 1982 - J9 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs.. Nov. 18, 1982 ------ADVERTISING ADVERTISING RATES Classified22— Condominiums 643'2711 Minimum Charge 1 LOOK FOR THE ^ARS n o t i c e s EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes for Sale 35— Heaiing-Plumbing 46— Sporting Goods 50— Miic for Rent 15 Words V 12:00 nooo the day 24— Lots-Land for Sale ■ 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products ' 46— Antiques SSl-HomM/Apu. to ShVB b«lore publication. 1— Lodi and Found 13— Help Wanted JS— Investment Property 37— Movmg-TrucKing-Storage Look for the Classified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. 38— Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy 2— Parionals 14— Business Opportunities 26— Business Property AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD PER 50— Produce Deadline lor Saturday is 3— -Announcements 15— Situaiipii Wanted 27— Resort Property 26— Real Estate Wanted 1-2 DAYS .. lOM. 12 noon Friday. Mon­ MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 61— Autos tor Sale 62— Trucks for Sale 3-5 DAYS , 14q: EDUCATION MISC. SERVICES day's deadline is 2:30 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms for Rent 63— Heavy Equipmeni for Sale 6 DAYS 13q: Pu t a sta r on Your od and see what a difference it makes. ★ , Friday. FINANCIAL 10— Private Instructions 41— Articles for Sale 53— Apartments for Rent 64— Molorcycles-Bicycles 19— Schoois-Classes 31— Services Offered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 65— CamperS'Trailers'Mobile Phone 643-2711 8— Mortgage Loans 20— Instructions Wanted 32— Painting-Papering 43— PetS'BirdS'Dogs 55— Otfices-Storet tor Rent Homes 26 DAYS — 12(P 9— Personal Loans * 33— Building-Coniraciing 44— Musical instruments 56— Resort Property for Rent'66— Automotive Service HAPPy ADS $3 0® PEh iNCH 10— Insurance REAL ESTATE 34— Rooling.Siding 45— Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent 67— Autos lor Rent-Lease Telephone 643-2711, AAonddy-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Hmlp Wantad 13 Sarvlcea Oftarad 31 Palndng-Paparing 32 Fraa Claaalltad Ada Fraa ClaaaHlad Ada Froo Claiaamd Ada TAG BALES Apartmanta lor Rant S3 Homaa-Apta. to ahara 88 FALL CLEANUPS - Large SKAPARAS HOME USED THERMO-PANE TWO C78 X 14 white wall ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS lawns done with leaf tires, fair condition. $10.00 SANITANV SBWM CONSTRUCTION Remodeling - all types ad­ sliding glass doors with TWO SNOw'urw 078*15’*’ FEMALE ROOMMATE CALL TYPIST/CLERKIIL MDE sweeper and curb side ditions, Interior and each. Call Tony 649-8649 CRAFT SALE - Saturday, DELUXE 4 Vi room UNION STREET, MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT '' frame and screen, 6’ x with rims, five hole townhousd, P/i baths, all wanted to share apartment leaves vacuumed. exterior, repair work. Free after 5 p.m. or on mounts. ^$25.00 each: Call 10 - 4. 39 Leland Drive, I. *' '“ '■''’y **'’*" ‘I'® President and Directors of The Eighth Utilities District aftheir meeting CHFA has an opening for an 6’8” , needs one gasket. appliances, two air-- in Manchester $175 plus Telephone 568-4396. estimates. Reasonable weekends. after 5 j^m., 646-2851. Manchester. Christmas held on November 15, 1962 levied the following assessments on properties benefited by the construction of experienced Clerk/Typlit, who Asking $60,00. 646-4762. conditioners, carpeted, half electric. Security and will also act as back-up to rates. Call Joe - 649-1733. . decorations, macrame, sanitary sewers on Union Street, Manchester. Connecticut. heat, hot* water, patios or references required. Call courier and telephone atten­ CUSTOM REMODELING WHITE FRENCH Provin­ STORM WINDOWS and crocheting, apple dolls, TODAY PAIR 14 INCH Mustang porches,, soundproofing, between 6 and 8 pm, 643- dant. Outstanding benefits in­ Bathrooms, kitchens, rec- Rooling 34 tire rims, four lugs, $10.00. cial double bed. asking screens for casem*nt win­ miscellaneous. ADDRESS OWNER FRONTAGE % OF 2448.78 COST 'Your Community Newspaper' washer hook-up, storage, 4906. cluding: Free Parking to rooms, roofing, siding. •••••••< Call Tony, 649-8649 after 5 $30.00. Phone 646-0867. dows. Two of each, size 36 IN FEET downtown Hartford. Salary basem*nt, garage. $495. House repairs, rough BIDWELL HOME Im- p '.m . or on weekends. Vi” z 16”. $20.00. Call HUGE INDOOR Tag Sale - Tolland l^ke (Street) 25 p 110.580 annually. For details FOR SALE - love seat, gold Rain or Shine! Items from 646-1540, 646-0800. 282-264 Union St. Robert H. Nadeau 103.62 .0423 13.353.18 position description and framing and trim by full p^rovement Company - evenings, 649-5905. tapestry like fabric, over 100 families. Bake □ AUTOMOTIVE 256-258 Union St. Ronald A. and application, call: 525-9311, or time experienced Roofing, siding, FRIGIDAIRE electric FREE Color TV w/one TO carpenter. Call, Gary for alterations, additions. 64^ excellent condition. Will sale, craft items, pizza, hot Jean Archambault .0327 2,592.17 EMPLOYMENT ...... ” apply to: Conn. Housing range, good condition, CUSTOM MADE antique year lease. 2 bedrooms, IVi 250 Union St. Peter Sarles 80 .0327 2,592.17 PLEASE READ □ Finance Authority, 190 Trum­ free estimate, 646-4743 or 6495. white n e^ s oven switch, sacrifice for $80.00. Phone satin drapes for picture dogs, soda.- 9:00 a.m. to 244 Union St. aBrInalAnt ava\1al RC*' 1#>n^ baths (fondominium. New Auto Parte For Bala 60 Edith G. Bidwell Y O U R A D bull Street. Hartford, a . 06103. 649-8516. □MISC. FOR SALE older model. First $25.00 6 4 6 - 3 1 7 9 . ______3:00 p.m., Saturday, carpets, appliances. Grace A. Bidwell 80 ,0327 2,592.17 November 20tn. Help Wanted 13 Ukes it. 649-8050. Parking for 2 cars. $475 FOUR UNMOUNTED 238 Union St. Ronald A. and CHALLENONG PJISITIM HOOVER COMMERCIAL Manchester Regional Oc­ Barbara C. Gustafson 80 ,0327 2,592.17 WOULD LOVE to watch monthly. 647-0391. TUBELESS white-walled PLACE Classinod ads are laKen your pre-schooler in my vacuum, heavy duty, cupational Training 230 Union St. Peter E. and TAX PREPARERS - HAIRDRESSER wanted Household Goods 40 SERVICE BAR, ideal for tire^ (1 set studded snow over the phone as a con- I>ental group practice seeking home. Snacks and lunch enclosed motor, excellent Center, 665 Wetherell Sandra L. Beckwith 80 .0327 2,592.17 F^xperienced. Hourly rate part time. Experience rec room or club, 6 ft. long, WINDOW WITH casing 460 MAIN STREET - Six tires) and*l. rim, all 14”, 224-226 Union St. 80 2,592.17 venienca. The Herald is mature, outgoing individual provided. Call Carol, 646- for carpeted store or beau­ Street, Manchester, Norman Vittner . .0327 A and bonus plan. Full or necessary. Call'Command USED formica top, foot rest, wine and storm window. Both room apartment. Heat, no good condition, $125 or best 216^218 Union St. Ricbard N. and ' with experience in appoint­ 8402. ty salon. $%.00. Will handle ((fomer of Wetherell and responsible lor only one part time hours. Beneficial Performance of REFRIGERATORS, stack. $65.00. Call 643-9249. same size. 28x46. Asking appliances. $520 monthly. reasonable offer. 649-9904 Lillian Archambault BO .0327 2,592.17 ment book control and snag rugs. 646-2439. Hillstown Rd.) incorrect insertion and Income Tax Service, pcgboard system. 4'z day Manchester, ask for WASHERS, RANGES -• $20.00. Telephone 649-6757. Security and tenant in­ after 6 pm. 190 Union St. Thomas Michael Jones then only to the size of Phone 646-4156 today. week. Salary commensurate Manager, 643-8339. RENT-A-MOM and ser­ Clean, Guaranteed. Parts MAPLE LOVE /seat, and and Wanda Lalashuis 392.86 .1604 12>15.13 LOW FOR SALE - three 31'A” by surance required. 646-2426 the original insertion. E.O.E. F/M. with experience. Please send vices oHered. Shopping, & Service. Low prices! rocker, good condition. EIGHT TRACK with 9 - 5 weekdays. Autos For Safa 61 162 Union St. Helen M. Ford, Russell resume to Box K. c^o The transportation, laundry, 63“ combination storm and Bertha F. Hanson 262.30 .1071 8,489.96 Errors which do not PART TIME Waitress and B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main $60.00 for both. Call after 5 ^ e a k e r s , . $ 3 5 .0 0 . Mutfeaf Inatrumanta 44 Manchester Herald. grill person needed. Satur­ pets, housesitting, and any p.m., 649-4152. windows at $10.00 each. lelephone 643-4389.^ lessen the value of the NATIONAL MARKETING Street. 643-2171. 2>/i ROOMS - Heat, hot 1979 FORD GRANADA - 6 1343.78 Concern seeks energetic, days a must. No calls. App­ reasonable service. Call Call 643-7846 or 649-8188. BEAUTIFUL CONN Elec­ advortisem*nt will not water, references, securi­ cyl., automatic, air- Tolland Tpke (Street) enthusiastic people with HIGH SCHOOL Junior or ly in person between 2:30 - Mom at 646-4922 between 9 G.E. WASHER, dryer, WEST BEND humidifier, FOR SALE - One i air K2 tric organ, dual keyboard, ty. Appliances. Call after 245 Union St. 25 “ COST bo corrected by an ad­ FOUR BAR STOOLS, conditioning, 27,000 miles. Catherine Slisz, Josephine good telephone voices for Senior boy for snow .3 'p .m . G i I d a ' s am and 7 pm. large refrigerator and excellent condition, used skis, $20.00. Call M -8706. 115V, 60 croles, (appraised 6pm. 646-3911. and Anna Curlonis 280 .1143 9,060.72 wooden slat back and seat, Superb car! Many extras! ditional insertion. evening phone sales posi­ removal. Private north end I.uncheonette, 303 Adams electric stove. Telephone only one winter. $45.00.646- $700.00). Best offer over $4495. 644-2942. Jefferson St. (Street) 40 tion . No e x p e rie n c e residence. Must be strong, Street, Manchester. DESIGN KITCHENS - 646-4962. 5352. black wrought iron legs, TUBEING BENDERS, $400. 429-3133. MANCHESTER - Central­ 235 Union St. Michael M. and Phyllis N. necessary, we will train responsible and available cabinets, vanities, counter good for cottage or college. professional quality, im­ ly located three bedroom, 1978 CHEVETTE, four Plocharczyk \ 75 .0306 2,425.70 AD the right people. Private all winter. Call 871-6267 to Business tops, kitchen cabinet G.E. REFRIGERATOR - JEEP. TIRE on rim, never ^ .0 0 . 649-6311. perial eastman, V«”, 5/16” , Andquaa 40 227 Union St. Ida Ferenz aka ___ , ___ six room apartment. speed, $2500. Excellent Wladyslawa Ferenez 75 .0306 2,425,70 desk. Call for personal in­ arrange for ipterview or Opportunities 14 fronts, custorn like new, $150. 569-3435. used. $25.00. Call 646-7694. H”, Vi”, excellent ( •••••••••••••••••••••••a Woodstove, no appliaaces.. condition. Telephone 646- 3 1 \ r ' terview at 643-2711. Ask for - leave message. woodworking, colonial BOTTLE WATER Cooler tion. $30.00. 649-9537. 217 Union St. James H. and 643- 1 iua.o>tTT A N T IQ U E S AND $390. plus security. 649- 1236. Beverly A. Gifford 138 .0564 4,470.91 Mr. Kurowski. WANTED: SOMEONE to reproductions in wood. LIKE NEW Kenmore elec­ 1973 CHEVY Impala, four with refrigerator compart­ ment, $60.00. Phone 643- CO LLEC TIBLES - Will 6285. 211 Union St. Michael and Ida G. Kulynyck 82 .0335 2,655.59 iHanrhpfitrr M ATURE WOMAN to become a partner in small J.P . Lewis, 649-9658. tric self-cleaning stove. door sedan, for parts in­ (K)OD CHRISTMAS rift, 1969 MUSTANG - 3 s p ^ . Union Place (Street) 32.5 teach skin care and'make­ 8840. purchase outrieh;ht or sell on 2711 RECEPTIONIST with ac­ Travel Business. Write 646-4962. cluding tires. $95.00. Call girls single speed 26’ commission. House lot or TOWNHOUSE - Two Good running condition. 205-207 Union St. David J. and Linda A. Hulme 59.5 .0243 1,926 29 up te ch n iq u e s. F re e 201-203 Union St. 75 curate typing skills for Box L, c/o The Manchester *••••••••••••••••••••••• 647-1824. brown Ckiiumbia bicycle, single piece. Telephone bedrooms, heat, hot water, $1000. 295-9734 after 5:00 Rene Veilleux .0306 2,425,70 lirrah'l training: high income. Ad; F-LORENCE’S PAIR 6-13 STUDDED snow excellent condition. Only 195 Union St. Barry E. and Linda A. Smith 63 .0257 2,037.27 Manchester office. Herald. CATERING - Christmas Artlelas tor Sale 41 644-8962. ap p lian ces. No p ets. p.m. INVITATION TO BID Experience not necessary. vancem ent, new Olds THREE PAIR wood tires. Almost new. Asking $25.00. Phone 649-0832. 191 Union St. Mary Jo Kerin 65 .0265 2,100.69 parties, co*cktail parties. Security deposit. $410 185 Union St. Sealed bids will be received in the Car essential. Call 872-8492 Cutlass Supreme provided Situation Wanted IS shutters, painted red, 20 x $50.00. 646-5358. Edward D. and Let me bake your Holiday WANTED: ANTIQUE Fur­ monthly. 644-2427. AUTO., 1971 TOYOTA, Eleanor M. Wilson 97 .0396 3,139.15 Office of the Director of General for appointment. when qualified. For inter­ 47,16 X 55. $5.00 a pair. Call WET/DRY vacuum, good Services. 41 Center Street. pies. No party too small. niture, glass, pewter, oil Mark II, $600. 569-3435. Kenwood (Street) 50 view call Mrs, Conte 646- 644-2063. ACCORDIAN, fair condi­ condition. $8.00. Call 643- Manchester, Connecticut, until HOUSEWORK WANTED - 649-5801. paintings, or antique MANCHESTER - One 173 Union St. Valda S. and Janis L. Keiss 120.5 .0492 3.900.15 PRODUCTION 5312 between 4 and 6 pm. Own transportation, ALUMINUM SHEETS tion. $60.00 or best offer. 4859 before noon or after 4 bedroom condominium. December 2. 1982 at II :00 a.m. for Items. R. Harrison, 643- CARS $200! TRUCKS $150! the following. WORKERS - Established experienced, reliable. used as printing plates. .007 WHITE SEWING machine, Call 643-1720 after 6 p.m. p.m. Appliances. $325 per Available at local govern­ ► 1277.5 100% 79,271.33 □ NOTICES RN - LPN - Accepting thick, 23x28'/i’T 50c each, 8709. FURNISH A INSTALL THREE nationwide pillow References available. Situation Wanted IS excellent condition, maple month. Mr. Martin, 646- ment sales. Call (refun­ (3) FREESTANDING PARK manufacturer has im­ applications for staff Ironing a/so done. 649-5007, or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- cabinet, attech'ments. COAT, GREY Persian BROTHER PORTABLE total Frontage 2621.28 4144. dable) l-(714)-569-0241, Ext. Streets 172.5 ^ DIRECTORY SIGNS, Lost and Found 1 mediate full time openings nurses. 3-11 shift Rest home 2711. They MUST be picked $99.00. Call 528-4054, 247- Lamb, full length, full cut. electric sewing machine 1069. For directory that and skilled nursing facility. up before 11:00 a.m. only. ; Size 12 to 16. $45.00. * RENTALS ‘BUCKLAND INDUSTRIAL for all types production : 3464 after 4 p.m. with attachmeijls, like new FOUR ROOMS - Second show s you how< to Total Assessable PARK FOUND - SET OF KEYS ■ workers. No experience Excellent benefit package Telephone 649-1819. condition, original cost floor. $275 per month in­ purchase. 24 hours. Frontage 2448.78 The Town of Manchester is an at Lincoln Center. Can be necessary, we will train and shift -differential. POSITION SOUGHT DaAk lo a m - 5 yards LADIES GREEN poncho, $125., will sacrifice for Rooms tor Rant 52 cludes stove, refrigerator, Total Est. Cost equal opportunity employer, and p ick ed up a t the you. Day shift, five day Please call D.N.S. between ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE/OFFICE MANAGER delivered, $60. plus tax. medium size, never worill. IN TIME for Christmas, $50.()0 for quick sale. 6 ^ electric. No children or 1977 CHEVY MONTE of Project r9,271.37 ' requires -an affirmative action Manchester Herald Office week. Opportunity for ad­ 9 and 3, Mon-Friday, 643- Eaat of RIvar (IntarMtad In aMltttng In atari of Sand, Gravel, Stone & Originally $39.00. Will sell B ell and Howell 1235 1794. M AN CH ESTER - N ice policy for all of its Contractors and pets. Call 643-1892. Carlo, good condition. Call A copy ot saiQ assessment was filed with the Clerk of The Eighth Utilities District on November 15. 1982 Vendors as a condition of doing between 8:30 and 5 p.m. vancement and full benefit 5151 - Crestfieid Convales­ naw butinaaa) Highly akillad; malura; aolld abili­ Trap Rock. Call 643-9504. for $20.00, Call 649-6325. ‘■Flimosonic XL sound room with kitchen 643-6775 after 8 p.m. N Any person aggrieved by such assessment must appeal to the Superior Court for the District of Hartford/New business withrihe Town, as per Monday - Friday. program are offered. App­ cent Home and Fenwood ty and axparianca In public ralallont, madia con­ movie camera, hardly DISHWASHER, good con­ privileges. Gentleman FOUR ROOM apartment - Britain at Hartford within twenty-one days after such filing. Manor. CONTEMPORARY arrii l-'ederal Order 11246. ly in person only, Pillowtex tact; ouatomar aarvica; talaphona aalaa; TWO G78-14 polyester four used, a real bargain. dition, General Electric. preferrM. $50.00 weekly. Close to shopping and bus MUSTANG, 1966, three H i il Forms, plans and chair upholstered in red $99.00. Call evenings, 646- Such assessment is due and payable on March 1.1983. The President and Directors of The Eighth Utilities LOST. Black and white Corporation, 49 Regent axpadlling. Dapandabla; craallva; aalf- plies snow tires, mounted, $25.00. Phone 649-2320. Security. Telephone 643- line. Gas .heat and stove. ^ e d , 6 cyl., runs good. District have voted to permit the payment of any assessment in ten equal installments of principal plus accrued specificatif^ns are available at the male cat with very short Street, Manchester. RECEPTIONIST- velvet, chrome legs, $150. 3528. General Services Office. 41 Center motivatad; axcallant paopla akilla; flair for dafall fits Olds or Buick. Used 1878. $375 monthly. Call Dan or For parts or restoration. interest. Interest shall be charged on the unpaid principal of said assessment at the rate of six I6i percent per tail. Bolton Lake area. ASSISTANT-Part time in Brown vinyl recliner, $50. one winter. $65.00 for both. ROCKING CKAIR, ladder Ed, 649-2947, or 646-9892, or annum. Each installment shall be due on March 1st of each year commencing March 1, 1983. Street, Manchester. Connecticut. and organizaflon. Exparlancad In anginaaring, 647-1276 evenings. Keep TOWN OF MANCHESTER. Reward. 646-40% or 649- PART TIME - Earn up to Manchester dental office. Contemporary black and 649-tjy. ______RADIANT SCREEN 30x40 back sfstyle, ' good condition. CENTRAL LOCATION, 646-6009. trying. Dated at Manchester. Connecticut this I5th day of November 1902 4851 $5.00 - $10.00 per hour Will train. If interested paralagaL raal aatata (top produeor). Wang Word white fabric wall hanging for slide pictures. Almost $25.00.I. Call 646-1427. kitchen privileges, parking CONNECTICUT call: 649-3129. 50” X 50” , $25. 648-04’79. THE EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT ROBERT B. WEISS. working at home on the Procotaor tralnad. YASHICA TL super 3Smm new. $18.00. Telephone 648- available. Security ana EAST HARTFORD - Two 1972 CHEVY BLAZER, By Gordon B. Lassow 6757. GE.NERAL MANAGER LOST - Six month old Fox phone. Flexible hours. 646- Ms White — 429-3133 camera, case, flash. Light FOR SALE 1978 Hummel written references bedroom townhouse, 1!A power steering, power - Its President 019-11 Terrier, white, black and 7312. advancement meter doesn’t work. $50.00 bell, mint, in box. ^ .0 0 . required. For application baths, heated, fully brakes with fi^ er four­ brown Named Gus. OPPORTUNITY or best offer. 742-8363. SIX ELECTRIC Motors V, Call 646-3716.______can 643-2693. applianced, carpeting, way plow. New clutch, Children upset. 643-0661. NURSES A ID E S - telephone sales. Olan Mills hp and ‘A hp. $45.00 for all private basem*nt, washer muffler and tires: has an entry level position Condominiums 22 Services Ottered 31 FULLY SEASONED six. 646-2190. STORM DOOR S’O” x 6’8” , Certification program will Firewood cut to length, ONE PAIR women's SHARE A KITCHEN and n dryer hookups. Excellent condition. $3500. LOST - Black cat - Spruce be starting for Nurse’s leading to a management genuine leather boots, right swing with bath with one other Available January 1st, Call 649-3200. Street area Reward. Call position in local area. Com­ MANCHESTER - Two SNOWPLOWING split and delivered. $90. a OLDER MODEL RCA screen/glass. $%.00. After Aides for days and cord. Call 649-183! black, size 5 with zipper. 2 gentlem an. Own room. $450. and $475. Call 528- 643-0456. evening. Full and part- pany benefits and training. bedroom condo for rent. A- Driveways and parking W heel. Like new. ^ .0 0 . color mahogany console 5 p.m. 643-6136. 1.00 per week plus securl- 1708, 8 to 4:30. C. $575 with heat. 273-2013, anytime. 1961 FORD GALAXY, good Classified Ads time. Please call D.N.S. Call Jim at 646-5798. lots. Call after 6 p.m. 649- 643-7917 after 4 p.m. T.V., good working condi­ ty. 64^1878. running condition, LOS'T - Black and grey between 9 and 3, Monday- E.O.E. M-F. 659-.3008. 0539. tion. Ideal for family room, EDWARDS Scientific MANCHESTER . QUEEN SIZE Waterbed, telescope, 3 in. reflector, excellent for restoring. Tiger. 5 month old kitten. F’riday. 643-5151 Crestfieid TEN GALLON fish video games. $30.00. Call MANCKES’TER - Room on Convenient location, one $300. Call 649-3200. Area, Ridge Street. Convalescent Home and PART TIME - Tuesday and Paiming-Paperlng 32 all set up. Baffled mat­ 649-8221. ______30xl60x lenses, sightscope, Center Street. $50.00 week­ □ BUSINESS tress. $125 or best offer. aquarium, extra bedroom apartment. Heat, Reward. Call 649-5208. Fenwood Manor. Thursday required. Apply accessories included. Good 48 In. tripod. $M.00. (Jail ly plus security and appliances, carpeUng in­ 1976 CHEVROLET V 647-0191. after 11 a.m. - Gentle and SERVICES INTERIOR PAINTING, condition. $20.00. 649-7625. TWO MAIDS of Honor 648^K40 anytime. references. Call 644^)019. cluded. $355 mnnthly. MALIBU Classic - AC, Entertainment 4 HEADLINE ” Touch Car Wash, 344 Broad over ten years experience, gowns size seven and ten. FOR SALE - Cheap! USED Security aqd lease extras. Excellent condi­ If you •••••••••••••••••••••••• HAIRDRESSER - We are Street, Manchester. Services Ottered 31 low rates and senior citizen (te.OO for both. Telephone B )D A K in s t a n t Camera CENTRALLY Located - required. 647-1718. discount. 643-9980. Windows, Call 649-4210. tion. $2500 firm. 649-6122 GEM SOUND Presents the now taking applications for Crochet Set 742-9929. ■ E6, uses prlO film, elec- Pleasant room. Telephone, after 5:00 p.m., anytime Ultimate in D.J. Entertain­ part time and full time DENTAL ASSISTANT REWEAVING BURN Plonlc flash included. n e x t. to shower, parking. MA weekends. ment. .usic from 40's to cosmetologists. The Head HOLES. Zippers, um­ ' INTERIOR-EXTERIOR ARIENS SNOW BLOWER $15.00. 648-2606. and leafer, 8 h.p., electric 649A801. tnbeee bedroom duplex. 1V5 80's. Best prices available. Chop, 739 Main Street, AssisUng general dentist brellas repaired. Window PAINTING - Wallpapering Classic tt¥osome baths. Garage. Quiet BANK Excellent sound and •Manchester. preferably experienced in 4- shades, Venetian blinds. and Drywall Installation. starter, mint condition, FIRESTONE Two 721 steel ...... «w . ri. REPOSSESSIONS have something to sell for less lighting. 647-.3910. handed dentistry. Friendly of­ Keys. TV FOR RENT. Quality professional work. practically new, only used belted radial size 195-75R14 six times. $675. Call 649- new. $90.00 both. 646-7967. Apartmanta lor Rant 53 ty. Utilities, 875-2879 FOBSAU fice Eienefits. Please call 648- Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. Reasonable prices. Free evenings. 9627 with qualifications. Estimates! Fully insured. 3066. 1980 Dodge Colt - 2 Auctions 5 Auctions 649-5221. MANCHESTER- One and G.L. McHugh, M3-9321. TWO LR78-1S Goodrich ' dr.. H/B $0600.. two bedroom apartment MANCHESTER - Five WANTED: STANDARD SIZE Pool snow tires, steel belted BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - available, Centrally rooms, fira^ floor. Quiet 1979 Chevy Impala - 4 thon$99°° RESPONSIBLE person Concrete. . Chimney INTERIOR AND Table - With cues and radial, white walls, very dr. Sedan 93,Soft. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE sticks. Call 649-3110 after located on busline near two family. Garage. For aalai to the highost bidder. Bureaus, easy with snow blower to keep Repairs. “No Job Too EXTERIOR Painting, 1 condlUon. $75.00. ^ Available December 1st. The above canJae seen paper hanging, carpentry 5:00 p.m. I after 4 p.m. shopping center and chairs, couchaa, books, mirrors, daaks, file sidewalks clean for the Small” Call 644-8356. schools. For further details Security and references. at the winter. 875-8659. work. Fblly insured. J.P . cabinets, auto parts, garden equip., tools, metal call 649-7157. 649^813. 'Snh«ttakefli»clNstw C & M Tree Service, Free Lewis and Son, 649-9658. CABER SKI BOOTS - Size PEERLESS SPACE ...fill out the coupon olfleo partitions, ahaota of glaaa, appllancos, 7V5, $30. Kastinger boots, Heater, natural gas, 20,000 sib M«lii 8U— t DONUT BAKER - estimates. Discount senior MANCHESTER - Newly Hornet lor Rant 54 camera equipment, TV ’s, tiahing poles, 1 Experienced only. Good citizens. Company PAINTING & PAPER size 7, $25. Assorted skis, BTU. $65.00. Evenings, 646- ^Plymouth Road Runner AutomoMla, 1 V-S angina wages. Apply: Donut Inn, Hanging. Ceilings $15 pair. 646-3323. 6647. decorated one bedroom Trucks tor Salp 62 Manchester owned and apartment. Access to shop­ EAST HARTFORD - Large on stand, and assorted household goods. To bo Ilteadowbrook Plaza. operated. Call 646-1327. repaired. References. Ful­ ATARI WITH Three car­ ping centers, buslines and six rooms plus. Cape. bald at R E N T -A -8 P A C E , IN C . Route 44A, Coventry. 742- ly insured. Quality work! KENMORE WRINGER Three bedrooms, fireplace, 1968 FORD Vx Tofi pickup, 7722. Martin Mattsson, evenings tridges, $88.00. Telephone Washer, used only a few schools. For further details below and moil to: Self Sorvico Storage Cantor LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ please call 528-4196 centrally located near very good condition, many cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ 649-4431. times. $99.00. or best offer. new parts, needs minor 282 Chapal Road between 9 and 5 pm or churches, schools and HAVE niNPATINS TOUR ages cleaned. All types Phone 649-7814. busline. Pay own utilities. work. $600 or best offer. South WIndaor, C T 06074 FRED LEE PAINTING - APARTMENT SIZE after 5 pm and weexends, Tom, 674-9413 days; HOUDAY RIUS trash, brush removed. 649-7157. Security required. ON MONDAY NOVEMBER 29,1982 at 3 PM. Picket, Split Rail, Stake Interior and exterior. Refrigerator, sink top 1929 ANTiqUE McKormlc evenings 646-6727. Manchester Herald Sell Avon and earn good $$$, 30x18, acoustical guitar. Available August 1st. $600 Tho goods of Susan Qaffnay, Ksvin WslinUkonIs, Fences installed. 528-0670. Residential and 'Commer­ Deering four cylinder monthly.' 6^ 1845 or 643- One Herald Square meet nice people. cial. Fully insured and 643-9966. powdr plant, 100 nercent MANCHESTER - Main Richard Law, David Bloom, Frod Jordon, Charlaa Street. 2-3 rooms. Heated. 1773. Manchester. Conn. 06040 ..SMALL' LOADS OF dependable. 646-1653. ^ p l e t e . $75.00. (SiU 649- running condition. Four Romington, Kathloon Trazaakoa, RandoH Scott, GaHB2S-S401 WOMAN’S CHOCOLATE Hot water. Appliances. No STONE, trap rock, play 6785 after dark, ask for FOUR BEDROOM CAPE, s p ^ transmission. Call David Voyar, Jean Lamlaux, Eddie Stavans and ar 278-2941 Building Contracting 33 Brown cordory coaf, wool Bill. pets. Security. Parking. sand, white stone, loam 5^7047. only blocks from all 647-8341. NAME...... Barbara Bouchard will be sold to tho highost INSERTERS WANTED and pool sand •••••••••••••••••••••••• lining, very warm. Prac­ ••••••GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG bidder. The Uan hoMar rasarvaa the right to bid tically brand new. $M.0O. schools. Treed lot. ADDRESS ...... Part time. Must be 18 or DELIVERED. Telephone LEON CIESZYNSKI PLATE GLASS 23 ” x 38” Available immediately. Campara-Trallara-MobHa Telephone 232S528 after rounded com ers, beveled CITY ...... on the property at auction.______over. Call John between 644-1775.______BUILDER. New homes, Look for the many $600 monthly plus utilities. Homaa 68 8:30 and 11 a.m., 647-9946. additions, rbmodeling, rec 5:30 p.m. . edges, suitable for desk or bargain buys advertised in •••••••••••••••••••••••• 643-5286 or 64M962. ZIP ...... PHONE. LICENSED MOTHER wUl rooms, garages, kitchens t S ie top. $8.00. 643-7153. the Classified columns 12 X 60 MOBILE HOME in provide loving care for Fraa ClaaaWad Ada LPN OR RN - fo r remodelM, ceilings, bath to^y. BOLTON - RANCH - four adult park in Windham. Manchester pediatric prac­ your 2-5 yr. old in my tile, dormers, roofing. SEASONED CUT UP Ehccellent condition. 521- KIT ’N’ C A R L Y L E ’" by Larry Wright home. Meals provided^. TWO FIRESTONE Snow- bedrooms, two baths, tice. Applicant must enjoy Residential or commer­ Firewood, $25.00. 649-2433. dining room. References working with children and Manchester - Vernon area. cial 649-4291. biter mounted, four FOUR ROOM apartment 64.3-5483. Goodyear cruiser, all w/yj vfKh beat included. and security requifed. $550 have a pleasant personali­ PAIR LIVING ROOM per month. Philbrick Agen­ POSITION OPBNINO ELECTRICAL SERVICES A78-13 Firestones - New. ’Table lamps. $S.OO fw the Walking distance to Main only a ty. Monday, Tuesday, Street. First floor with cy, 6464200. ukBonen KiTTeNi He Wednesday, Friday 9 - 6 CHILD CARE - Provided - We do all types, of Elec­ All for $95.00. Call 649-7310. pair. Telephone 646-4996. 5063 private entrance. $450 per The Town of Coventry hai a posi* COJLDNT HAVe BeCN PORRilJCj p.m. Call 643-5218 between in conveniently located trical Work! Licensed. Call child safe home. DOUBLE SIZE mattress, SNOW BLOWER Toro, month. Call 649-2947. Uon opening for one Laborer, The 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. after 5:00 p.m'., 646-1M6. ______■OtHooa-Storoa applicant muit have experience T h a t Loop. Reasonable rates. 646-2460. very good condition. $15.00. C ro ck et 2Q”. $80.00. Telephone 646- A soft and w with uUUxing li^ t equipment and FARRAND 649-2S(). SSI$. SW ROOM APARTMENT...... “ Helping people satisfy and matenini------ng scarf-are Private home. Heat, the ability to doa variety of ground SENIOR CmZENS - Hair­ REMODELING - Cabinets, NEWLY RENOVATED maintenance work; poaaess a c la u their needs and wants ... dresser makes house calls. GIRLS THREE SPEED crocheted from ’ two applUmces. Working sii^ e Roofing, Gutters, Room ahadea of mohair yarn- Alwaya populat, tiie rag. BARBIE Dr e a m h o u s e 210 square feet office n diver’s licenae, or obtain

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.